Snacks and Cuisines 点心和烹饪.ppt

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sweet and sour fish fillet 糖醋鱼 西湖醋鱼Steamed grass carp in vinegar gravy 东坡肉Dongpos braised pork 龙井虾仁Longjing shrimp 西湖莼菜汤West Lake soup Anhui cuisine 徽菜 ▼Good at braising and stewing ▼Use sugar and hams to improve taste ▼Focus much more attention on the temperature in cooking 红烧果子狸Stewed?civet?cats 火腿炖甲鱼Ham stewed turtle Mount Huangshan braised pigeon 清蒸石鸡Steamed Partridge 黄山炖鸽 Hunan cuisine ●Thick and pungent flavor ●consists of local Cuisines of Xiangjiang Region, Dongting Lake and Xiangxi coteau. ●Chili(红辣椒), pepper(青辣椒) and shallot are usually necessaries 腊味合蒸 Mixed?cured?meat 东安子鸡 Dongan chicken 祖庵鱼翅 Working group shark fin 金钱鱼 Fish money Sautéed Shredded Pork in Sweet Bean Sauce(京酱肉丝) Braised meatballs in brown sauce(红烧狮子头) Goubuli steamed bun (狗不理包子) Roast grim(烤冷面) Glutinous Rice Rolls with Sweet Bean Flour(驴打滚) Sautéed Shredded Pork in Sweet Bean Sauce(京酱肉丝) . 1.葱、姜洗净切末,油菜洗净,胡萝卜洗净切丝。   2.猪肉馅和葱、姜末、淀粉、胡椒粉、酱油充分拌匀,并摔打至有弹性,做成大小相同的肉丸。   3.烧热半锅油,将肉丸倒入油锅炸至金黄。 4.炒锅内留少许食用油,略炒油菜及胡萝卜丝,再将炸好的肉丸倒入,并加入酱油、清水、料酒同烧,中火焖煮10多分钟至熟透,用水淀粉勾芡,淋明油盛盘即可。    1 onions, ginger cut washed clean, rape, wash carrot shred. 2 pork and scallion, ginger, pepper, soy sauce, starch, fully mix, and beat to a resilient, made the same size as the meatball. Heat 3 half pot of oil, will pour into pan fried until golden balls. 4 A cooking oil, saute rape and carrot, then fried meatballs into, and adding soy sauce, cooking wine with water, fire, fire and simmer for 10 minutes until cooked, water starch thicken, pour out the oil dish. Features: each is appropriate, fragrance overflowing. The chef made easy: chop the meat to refer to three barrel, seven thin principle Be well-known, far and near, the world famous Goubuli Tianjin is hundred years old is gold, the Chinese diet culture as a model of. Chinese and foreign visitors to the Tianjin havent had Goubuli steamed bun, equals to Beijing not to climb the Badaling Great Wall, it is a pity that. 闻名遐迩、享誉世界的“狗不理”是天津的百年金牌老字号,是中华饮食文化的典


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