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3.They say a person needs just three things to be truly happy in this world. Someone to love, something to do and something to hope for. 【译文】话说,人生幸福只需三条:有所爱,有所为,有所盼。 4.He smiled at that, with a rueful curve of his lips, but his eyes were alight with an emotion she was afraid to identify. 【译文】听了这话,她笑了,双唇合成一条曲线,露出一副悔恨的样子。但两眼仍熠熠发光,脉脉含情。这种感情她不敢认同。 审校就是检查译文有无遗漏丢失、错译误译、前后矛盾、关系混乱、文体逻辑等方面的问题;同时还要润色文字,在译文的“传达”上下功夫,力求用词贴切,文从字顺,增强译语的可读性。 审校三步骤: 初校 复校 定稿 Xiao Yan,a timid girl is arguing heatedly with the students about it. 小燕(呼语),有个腼腆的姑娘现在正热烈地和同学们辩论。 Xiao Yan,a timid girl,is arguing heatedly with the students about it. 小燕是个腼腆的姑娘,现在也正热烈地和同学们辩论。 Tommy Adrews says the boy is a silly donkey. 汤米·安德鲁斯说,这孩子是个大笨蛋。 Tommy Adrews, says the boy, is a silly donkey. 男孩子说,汤米·安德鲁斯是个大笨蛋。 Do you know her brother? 你认识她的哥哥吗? Do you know her, Brother? 哥哥,你认识她吗? All Londoners who are born within the sound of Bow Bells are called cockneys. 所有土生土长的伦敦人被称为是伦敦佬。 All Londoners,who are born within the sound of Bow Bells, are called cockneys. 所有的伦敦人都是土生土长的,他们都被称为是伦敦佬。 Be good boys. 你们要做好孩子啊! Be good, boys. 孩子们, 要学乖一些! Come now. Don’t waste time 勿误时间,现在就来。 Come, now. Don’t waste time. 好的,来吧。不要浪费时间啦! Where is my bookmark? 我的书签在哪儿? Where is my book,Mark? 玛克,我的书在哪儿? If you want to be slim, don’t eat fast. 要想苗条,那就别吃得太快。 If you want to be slim, don’t eat. Fast! 要想苗条,那就别吃饭,饿着吧! 小节结束 下面是一篇英语短文,有三种不同译文,分析比较并说明其翻译特点: As regards health, I have nothing useful to say since I have little experience of illness. I eat and drink whatever I like, and sleep when I cannot keep awake. I never do anything whatever on the ground that it is good for health, though in actual fact the things I like doing are mostly wholesome. (to be continued) 课堂互动6 :课堂讨论 Psychologically there are two dangers to be guarded against in old age. One of these is undue absorption in the past. It does not do to live in memories, in regrets for th


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