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海南大学思想政治理论课 《关于大学生饮酒问题的调查报告》课程 实践教学论文 (二○一 三 至二○一 四 学年度第 一 学期) 论文题目:关于大学生饮酒问题的调查报告 学生姓名:陈业贵 郭昱 刘佳飞 苗朔 庙浩 张喆添 学生学号:20130304310064 20130304310067 20130304310072 20130304310074 20130304310075 20130304310090 所在学院: 环境与植物保护学院 年级专业: 2013 级 植物保护(农药方向)专业 任课教师: 冯颖 完成日期: 2013 年 12 月 10 日 关于大学生饮酒问题的调查报告 (陈业贵 郭昱 刘佳飞 苗朔 庙浩 张喆添,2013级植物保护(农药方向)专业) 摘要近年来,大学生饮酒问题日益突出,尤其是在学生的生日聚会、班级聚会、老乡聚会、毕业聚会等场合最为常见。大学生饮酒已成为影响大学生身体健康,乃至高校安全稳定的一个重要因素。    参考文献 夏伟东,《思想道德修养与法律基础》,高等教育出版社,2009 黄甫全,《小学教育学》,高等教育出版社,2010 胡锦涛,《在新时期保持共产党员先进性专题报告会上的讲话》,《十六大以来重要文献选编》(中),中央文献出版社,2006 中共中央文献编辑委员会,《邓小平文选》第三卷,人民出版社,1993 邱弈福:《切实加强大学生的理想信念教育》,《思想理论教育导刊》,2000年第8期the economic development in the new normalOf awareness errors, deep awareness economic development new normal of objective inevitability, prevent one-sidedness, and simplistic, cannot to whether on himself favourable to judge new normal bad; cannot put new normal as a basket, what are to in loaded; cannot put new normal as haven, put work bad do, and didnt dry good of reasons are due Yu new normal, for not officer, and not development find excuses. Actively promote the supply side of structural reforms and implement the CPC Central Committee defined five pillars of policy and five priorities, implement the major decisions and arrangements of the central support accelerated development of Fujian, a good grasp of the old Soviet areas, green development, precision significant opportunities to alleviate poverty. (4) lead to overcome difficulty, dare to play. Dare not sword, before major problems before not to grasp the nettle and on front, afraid to come forward before the crisis and error cant bear responsibility, not firmly fight thes


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