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内乡实验高中致家长一封信 感谢支持 加强交流 欢迎监督 共铸辉煌 内乡实验高中 2013-2-24 内乡实验高中 学生仪容仪表标准2013/2/22 内乡实验高中 学生日常行为量化积分管理规定(节选) 纪律是学生走向成功的保证,为了落实学校“严抓校风、以校风促学风”的精神,营造积极向上的学习氛围,维护学校正常的学习和生活秩序,培养学生良好的道德品质和文明习惯,奠定人生发展基础。根据《中学生守则》和《中学生日常行为规范》的具体要求,结合我校实际,并依据《内乡实验高中学生违纪处罚条例》,特对学生日常行为表现量化积分办法作如下规定: 一、本规定执行周期为一学期,学生个人积分新学年一律赋分100分,并实行违纪扣分,对学生违纪行为实行“数错并处”的原则操行分扣分累计5-9分口头批评操行分扣分累计10-19分全校通报操行分扣分累计20-29分警 告操行分扣分累计30-49分严重警告操行分扣分累计50-59分记 过操行分扣分累计60-79分记大过操行分扣分累计80-99分留校察看操行分扣分累计100勒令退学对触犯国家法律、受司法部门处罚者的处理对煽动、组织闹事,破坏教学秩序,影响学校声誉者的处理对盗窃、诈骗公私财物者的处理 对打架斗殴、聚众滋事者的处理无论何种原因,凡参与打架斗殴者凡不尊重老师,扰乱课堂,与老师发生争执,顶撞、污辱、谩骂教职工者在校期间谈恋爱,行为不得体者(男女生出双入对、身体接触等)凡用麻将、扑克及其他任何方式和手段进行赌博或变相赌博者对吸烟、酗酒滋事者的处理对观看、传播淫秽书刊网页及声像制品者的处理勒令退学勒令退学勒令退学 the economic development in the new normalOf awareness errors, deep awareness economic development new normal of objective inevitability, prevent one-sidedness, and simplistic, cannot to whether on himself favourable to judge new normal bad; cannot put new normal as a basket, what are to in loaded; cannot put new normal as haven, put work bad do, and didnt dry good of reasons are due Yu new normal, for not officer, and not development find excuses. Actively promote the supply side of structural reforms and implement the CPC Central Committee defined five pillars of policy and five priorities, implement the major decisions and arrangements of the central support accelerated development of Fujian, a good grasp of the old Soviet areas, green development, precision significant opportunities to alleviate poverty. (4) lead to overcome difficulty, dare to play. Dare not sword, before major problems before not to grasp the nettle and on front, afraid to come forward before the crisis and error cant bear responsibility, not firmly fight these issues before the evil, strengthen the sense of responsibility, to take charge. Dont want to under the new situation, not as good as issues, enhance vigor, growing new skills, new, do dry


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