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《语言与语言学》 主讲人:张兴 Unit 3 The Symbolic Nature of Language Activity 1 Words, Things and Worlds Activity 2 An Anatomy of Word Activity 3 Two Fundamental Relations in Language 学习目标: tell an icon from a sign understand what a symbol is understand the two fundamental relations in language structure Activity 1 Words, Things and Worlds Tell an icon from a sign (P.80-84) Tell a sign from a symbol (P. 85) Triadic relations (P. 86-87) There are three worlds: the material world, the subjective world and the symbolic world; words refer to things found in the three worlds. (P. 87) Tell an icon from a sign (P.80-84) an icon related to the thing it stands for by resemblance. a sign related to the thing it stands for by agreement or convention. Tell a sign from a symbol (P. 85) A symbol stands for things without conscious agreement or convention, whereas a sign related to the thing it stands for by agreement or convention. A symbol has pronunciation, whereas a sign has not. A symbol’s meaning can not be changed, whereas a sign’s meaning can. Triadic relations (P. 86-87) Words related to things by the mind that understands them. The term for “the thing a word stands for” is referent. 请参考第86页到第87页的示意图学习,要求能够填出示意图的内容。 The Three Worlds (P. 87) Things in this world can be sensed by our five sense organs. That is, they can be seen, touched, smelled, heard and tasted. We know they are there because we can see it and other people can also see it. This world is also called a material world. The Three Worlds (P. 87) There is a subjective world. It consists of things like feelings, attitudes, beliefs, values, motives, and intentions. These things are inside us. They cannot be known by others unless we express them by language and speak them out. They cannot be verified by other people independent from our own consciousness. The Three Worlds (P. 87) Furthermore, there is a third symbolic world, that is, the world artificially constructed by symbols. For example, what


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