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Milgram’s study of obedience 1.AIM 2. PROCEDURE 3.APPARATUS 3.THE SUBJECTS 4.VOCAL FEEDBACK CONDITION 5.THE EXPERIMENTER 6.THE LEARNER 7.RESULTS AIM To investigate how far people will go in obeying an authority figure. 目的是研究多少人会服从一个权威人士。 PROCEDURE Subjects were led to believe that the experiment was investigating the effects of punishment on learning . The subjects were tested one at a time and were always given the role of teacher (through a fixed lottery). 被试被引导着相信这个实验是研究惩罚对学习的影响。被试进行了一次测试而且会永远得到老师这个角色。(通过抽签的方式) The subject saw his apparent co-subject (in reality an actor) strapped into a chair with electrodes attached to him ,since he was to be the ‘learner’ . The subject (‘teacher’) was told the shocks would cause no permanent tissue damage and was given a trial shock of 45volts. Strap: 捆绑 Trial: 实验的 被试看到这个表面上的同伴被试(实际上是个演员)被捆绑到椅子上,并且把电极粘贴到他身上。因为他要扮演的是“学生”。 被试(“老师”)被告知这个电击不会造成永久性的组织损伤而且得到一个45伏的试验电击。 The subject then started the experiment in the shock generator room next door by testing the learner over an intercom ,and was told by the experimenter (the authority figure) to administer increasing levels of electric shock for each wrong answer (which the actor gave often) . Intercom:内部通信联络系统 被试在装有电击设置的房间开始实验,另一间房通过内部联络系统测试学生,并且由实验者(权威人士)告诉被试每出现一个错误答案(由演员给出)要去实施增加的电击强度。 The experiment finished when either the subject refused to continue (disobeyed the experimenter‘s request) ,or had reached the maximum shock on the scale (450 volts).The subject was then fully debriefed as to the real nature of the experiment ,re-introduced to the learner in a friendly way and reassured that no damage had been done since the learner had not really received any shocks at all ! 当被试拒绝继续(不在服从实验者的要求)或已经达到了最大电击幅度(450伏)时,实验就完成了。被试随后会接受一个充分的解释,例如实验的真正本质,重新以友好的方式介绍学生而且宽慰他们没有做过任何伤害因为学生从来没有受到任何的电击。 In the basic set-up of the experiment the subject received feedback reactions from the learner he was ‘electrocuting’only by a thump on the wall at 300 volts followed by no further rep


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