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出生礼:扎克伯格给女儿的信双语全文脸书?? 编辑点评:为了庆祝女儿Max的诞生,扎克伯格和妻子写了一封长长的书信,表达了他们对女儿的期待和期许,满满的感人情节。一起来看看吧! Dear Max, 亲爱的Max, Your mother and I dont yet have the words to describe the hope you give us for the future. Your new life is full of promise, and we hope you will be happy and healthy so you can explore it fully. Youve already given us a reason to reflect on the world we hope you live in. 妈妈和爸爸对于你的诞生所带来的对未来的希望难以言表。你的新生活充满憧憬,我们希望你能够健康快乐的成长,这样才能好好探索生活。你已经给了我们充分的理由仔细考虑:我们希望你住在怎样的世界。 Like all parents, we want you to grow up in a world better than ours today. 和所有父母一样,我们希望你成长的世界比我们这代人更好。 While headlines often focus on whats wrong, in many ways the world is getting better. Health is improving. Poverty is shrinking. Knowledge is growing. People are connecting. Technological progress in every field means your life should be dramatically better than ours today. 虽然新闻头条都在关注世界各地哪里出了问题,但从许多方面来看,世界正在变得越来越好。健康状况在改善,贫穷在减少,知识在积累,人与人彼此联通。各个领域的技术发展都说明,你生活的时代肯定比我们的要好的多。 We will do our part to make this happen, not only?because we love you, but also because we have a moral responsibility to all children in the next generation. 我们会尽力让这个愿景实现,不仅仅因为我们爱你,也因为我们对下一代儿童负有道德责任。 We believe all lives have equal value, and that includes the many more people who will live in future generations than live today. Our society has an obligation to invest now to improve the lives of all those coming into this world, not just those already here. 我们相信所有生命都有着同等价值,当然也包括世世代代的后辈。我们的社会有责任付出,以改善后辈们的生活,而非只着眼于当代。 But right now, we dont always collectively direct our resources at the biggest opportunities and problems your generation will face. 但如今,我们并未团结地将资源投入到这些巨大机遇上,也未致力于解决你们这一代人将要面临的问题。 Consider disease. Today we spend about 50 times more as a society treating people who are sick than we invest in research so you wont get sick in the first place. 至于疾病,如今我们在疾病治疗上的投入是疾病研究的50倍还多,这样你们一开始就不会生病。 Medicine has only been a real science for less than 100 years, and weve already seen complete cures for some diseases and good progress for


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