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摘 要 本次设计内容为潘家口水利枢纽,坝型选择为混凝土重力坝。 重力坝主要有非溢流挡水坝段、溢流表孔坝段、溢流底孔坝段和电站厂房坝段组成。 挡水坝段最大断面的坝底高程为122.0m,坝顶高程为227.8m,防浪墙高1.2m,最大坝高为105.8m,属高坝类型。坝顶宽9m,最优断面的上游坝坡坡率为1:0.2,上游折坡点高程为182.0m,下游坝坡坡率为1:0.7,下游折坡点高程214.9m。 溢流坝段布置在主河道中心,止水采用两道紫铜中间加沥青井的形式。坝基防渗处理(主要依据上堵下排的原则),上游帷幕灌浆(两道),下游侧设置排水管。 以非溢流挡水坝段为计算选择断面,进行了抗滑稳定分析和应力分析,分别采用单一安全系数法和可靠度理论法计算法进行计算,最终验算满足抗滑稳定,上游坝踵没有出现拉应力,设计剖面合理可行 设计中认真总结,运用几年来所学的理论知识及专业知识,结合毕业设计的任务进行思考、分析应用,提高了独立思考与独立工作的能力,同时也加强了计算、绘图、编写设计文件、使用规范、手册能力的培养,使我们成为合格的水利人才。 关键词:非溢流坝;细部构造;地基处理 Abstract This design content for the Panjiakou project, dam type selection for the concrete gravity dam. A gravity dam are mainly non overflow dam section of spillway dam, spillway, bottom hole dam and powerhouse dam section of. Non overflow dam section of each of15 meters wide, distributed in the dam powerhouse dam section ends; each16 meters wide, disposed near the right bank main riverbed, outfit machine 3units; the bottom orifice of each section of22 meters wide, arranged in a powerhouse left main riverbed; overflow section of each segment width 18meters, is arranged in the house music river main river bed. Dam section of maximum cross section of the bottom surface elevation of 122.0 meters, at elevation of 227.8 meters,1.2 meters high wall, the dam height of 105.8 meters, is a type of dam. Crest width of 9 meters, the optimal section of the upstream dam slope rate of 1:0.2, the upstream slope angle point to 182.0 meters elevation, downstream dam slope rate of 1:0.7, the downstream slope angle point elevation 214.9 m. Maximum section of overflow dam section of the bottom surface elevation of 1901 meters,1978.08 meters height of weir, weir use WES curve design, straight slope rate of 1:0.7, reverse arc radius of18meters, the nasal sill elevation1912meters, the upstream dam slope rate and1:0.2, slope angle point elevation of 1956 meters, the upstream dam surface and WES surface by 1/4 elliptic connected. Treatment of dam foundation seepage prevention (mainly based on the


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