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学号 本科毕业设计 学 院 专 业 年 级 姓 名 设计题目 数字图像多噪声多均值平滑设计与实现 指导教师 职称 年 月 日 目 录 摘 要 1 Abstract 1 1绪论 2 1.1数字图像处理的背景 2 1.2数字图像处理的发展及应用 2 1.3 数字图像处理均值滤波研究的意义 3 1.4 MATLAB图形用户界面(GUI) 3 1.5 本文的主要工作及结构安排 4 2 数字图像多噪声多均值平滑的原理 4 2.1 数字图像处理基础 4 2.2 噪声函数 5 2.3 均值平滑滤波 8 3 数字图像多噪声多均值平滑设计实验 9 3.1 改变模板(窗)的算法 9 3.2改变模板(窗)的形状 10 3.3改变模板(窗)的大小 11 3.4改变噪声类型 12 3.5 GUI模块仿真与实现? 12 4总结与展望?? 17 4.1总结 17 4.2展望 17 参考文献 19 附录: 20 数字图像多噪声多均值平滑设计与实现 摘 要:由于系统在图像处理过程中,处在比较复杂的环境中,图像会受到由仪器和环境产生的各种各样的噪声干扰。在一定情况下,噪声会变成可见的颗粒状覆盖在图像上,不仅使图像在视觉上质量下降,可能还会使一些重要的细节丢失,为此必须对图像进行滤波除噪平滑处理。常用的滤波手段有线性滤波器和非线性滤波器。而采用线性滤波,能在一定程度上有效的还原因受到噪声干扰而质量变差的图像。本论文是在图像受到多种噪声如椒盐噪声、高斯噪声、随机噪声、乘性噪声、泊松噪声污染的情况下,在MATLAB中使用多种均值算法如算术均值、几何均值、谐波均值等,由多种形状的窗进行除噪,以此观察对多种噪声使用多种均值除噪的效果。最后运用MATLAB中GUI进行仿真。 关键词: 多噪声;算术均值;几何均值;谐波均值;除噪;GUI Digital image noise mean smoother design and implementation Abstract:Because the system during processing of the image, in more complex environments, the image will be all kinds of noise generated by the instrument and the environment. In some cases, the noise will become visible on the particle shape covering the image of not only the Visual quality of the image may also cover some important details, which requires filtering process the image. Commonly used means of filtering were linear filters and effects filters. Using linear filter was an effective way to resolve the image polluted by various noise ,which had poor quality. This papers was in images polluted by variety noise as salt and pepper noise, Gaussian noise, random noise,took sex noise and parking pine noise pollution of situation,Using variety were value algorithm as arithmetic geometry and harmonic ,by variety shape of window for except noise, to this observation on variety noise using v



