PDGFB的文章 总结【参考】.docx

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肝癌是世界上病死率最高的五大肿瘤之一,其发病率近年来呈不断上升趋势。传统的外科切除和新兴的微创治疗是目前主要的治疗手段,但许多肝癌患者就诊时已是晚期,且治疗后仍有较高的复发率。因此,揭示肝癌发生发展的分子机制,在此基础上寻找安全、有效的新的治疗方法显得十分重要。Targeting the PDGF signaling pathway(路) in tumor(肿瘤) treatmentAbstractPlatelet-derived growth factor(因素) (PDGF) isoforms(同种型) and PDGF receptors(受体) have important functions in the regulation of growth and survival(幸存) of certain cell types during embryonal(胚的) development and e.g. tissue(纸巾) repair in the adult. Overactivity(过于活泼) of PDGF receptor signaling, by overexpression(超表达) or mutational(突变的) events, may drive tumor(肿瘤) cell growth. In addition, pericytes(周皮细胞) of the vasculature(脉管系统) and fibroblasts(纤维原细胞) and myofibroblasts of the stroma(基质) of solid tumors express PDGF receptors, and PDGF stimulation(刺激) of such cells promotes(促进) tumorigenesis(肿瘤发生). Inhibition(抑制) of PDGF receptor signaling has proven(证明) to useful for the treatment of patients with certain rare tumors. Whether treatment with PDGF/PDGF receptor antagonists(敌手) will be beneficial(有益的) for more common malignancies(恶性) is the subject for ongoing studies.IntroductionPlatelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) isoforms stimulate(刺激) growth, survival and motility(运动性) of mesenchymal(间叶细胞的) cells and certain other cell types [1,2]. They have important functions during embryonal development and in the control of tissue homeostasis(体内平衡) in the adult. Overactivity of PDGF signaling is associated(交往) with the development of certain malignant(恶性的) diseases, as well as non-malignant diseases characterized(以…为特点的) by excessive(过多的) cell proliferation(增殖). The involvement(牵连) of PDGF overactivity in non-malignant diseases has been discussed in a recent review [3]. The present review will focus on the role of PDGF signaling in tumor development, and on the use of PDGF antagonists in tumor treatment.PDGF isoformsThe PDGF family consists of disulphide-bonded homodimers of A-, B-, C- and D-polypeptide chains, and the heterodimer(异质二聚体) PDGF-AB. The PDGF isoforms are synthesized(合成



