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摘要 随着信息技术的发展,计算机应用渗透到社会生活的各个领域,特别是军事的应用,使人们对信息的依赖程度越来越高,因而信息安全技术显得格外重要。加密作为信息安全中一个最为有力的武器,正在发挥着重要的作用。DES(Data Enryption standard)加密算法在成为加密标准到今天,经历长期的考验。实践证明DES算法的安全性是能够满足大部分的安全要求的。 随着微电子技术的发展,可编程逻辑器件由早期的只读存贮器(ROM)发展到今天十分流行并广泛应用的现场可编程门阵列FPGA。FPAG具有体系结构和逻辑单元灵活,集成度高以及实用范围宽等特点,可以实现较大规模的电路,编程也很灵活,而且设计开发周期短,设计制造成本低,开发工具先进,标准产品无需测试,质量稳定以及可实时在线检验等优点,因此被广泛应用于产品的原型设计和产品生产。 所以,应用FPGA来设计和实现DES加密算法具有十分重要的现实意义和广阔的应用前景。本文设计实现了一种基于FPGA的DES加密系统。 概括起来,本文主要完成了以下几方面的主要工作: 12:完成了DES加密系统的整体设计。整个系统包括DES模块,模块和模块。3:以Modelsim SE 5.6为开发软件,用VHDL硬件描述语言设计并且实现了三大模块的具体功能及整体连接。 4Modelsim SE 5.6进行功能仿真测试并验证了整个系统的功能。 【关键词】DES,FPGA,VHDL,Modelsim,数据加密ABSTRACT With the development of information technology ,the application of computer has come into social any field. Especially in military field, people rely on information more seriously. So information security becomes very important. Encryption as a sort of power weapon is widely used in the field of information security.DES(Data Encryption Standard) encryption arithmetic has stood the long test from when it became the encryption standard to now. It is proved by much practice that the security of the DES encryption can satisfy the voluminous need of security. With the development of micro-electronic technology, the programmable logic device develop from earlier ROM to very popular and extensive applied FPGA(Field Programmable Gate Array)today .The FPGA has the characteristic of flexible system structure and logic unit, high integration and wide application. Especially, the FPGA can carry out the more large-scale circuit, programmed flexibly. When the engineers use the FPGA to design and develop the product, the time is short, the cost is low, the tool is advanced, the standard product don’t need to test, the quality is steady and the product can be inspected on line. So, the FGPA is widely used to design and make product. Therefore, using the FPGA to design and implement the DES encryption arithmetic is very important and it will be widely used in much



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