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成人教育毕业设计(论文) 论文题目:电网高压规划 电网高压规划 摘 要 随着我国电力的迅猛发展和大电网的逐步形成,使得负荷的增长越来越严重。因此,电网规划将面临的长期而又艰巨的任务。为满足未来经济社会发展和人民生活的用电需求,造成大量煤电项目的建设,加剧了煤炭供应,交通运输和环境保护的紧张局面,降低了能源配置效率。因此,建设具有远距离、大容量、低损耗输电能力的高压输电系统,是中国能源和经济社会协调发展的必然要求,有利于改善电网结构,提高电网的安全性和可靠性;还有利于降低电网建设成本,节约土地资源,减轻运输和环保压力,提高运营效率,促进建设资源节约型和环境友好型社会。本文从全局战略的高度出发,对我国国家高压电网的规划问题进行了研究。 关键词:电网;高压;规划 Abstract With the rapid development of our country electric power and the power grid gradually formed, the growth of the load is more and more serious. Therefore, power grid planning will face a long-term and arduous task. To meet the power demands from the social development and people’s livelihood in the future, a large number of coal-power projects have to be installed, which tightens the situation of coal supply, transportation and environmental protection, lowering the efficiency of energy configuration. Therefore, to secure the harmony between China’s energy and the development of economy and society, it is necessary to build long-distance, great capacity and low HV power transmission system; it will also help to improve the framework of the power grid and enhance the safety of the power grid; it also will help to decrease the cost for the construction of power grid, to save land resources, to relieve the pressure of transportation and environmental protection, to improve the management efficiency and promote the construction of energy-saving and environment-friendly society. Based on the height of the global strategy, our country national HV power grid planning problem is studied in this paper. Key words: 目录 摘要……………………………………………………...……………………………………….Ⅰ Abstract……………………………………………………………………………………………Ⅱ 1章 绪论 1 1.1 中国电网的发展现状 1 1.2 中国电网的未来发展和挑战 2 1.3 国外高压输电技术的发展概况 3 1.4 电网规划研究的特点 3 2章 高压输电系统的输送能力分析 5 2.1 引言 5 2.2 高压交流输电系统的输送能力分析 5 2.2.1 影响高压交流输电系统输送能力的主要因素 5 2.2.2 高压交流输电系统的数学模型[92,96] 6 2.3小结 7 3章 电网规划方法及发展 8 3.1 电网灵活规划 8 3.1.1 随机规划方法 8 3.1.2 模糊规划方法 8 3.1.3 灰色规划方法 8 3.1.4 遗传算法 9 3.1.5 进化规划 9 3.1.6 Tabu搜


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