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本科毕业论文 细胞信号转导与疾病 指导教师 学院名称 专业名称 论文提交日期 论文答辩日期 摘要 在多细胞生物中,细胞与细胞之间的相互沟通除直接接触外,更主要的是通过内分泌、旁分泌和自分泌一些信息分子来进行协调。细胞通过位于胞膜或胞内的受体感受胞外信息分子的刺激,经复杂的细胞内信号转导系统的转换而影响其生物学功能,这一过程称为细细胞信号转导(cellular signal transduction),这是细胞对外界刺激做出应答反应的基本生物学方式。其中,水溶性信息分子如肽类激素、生长因子及某些脂溶性信息分子(如前列腺素)等,不能穿过细胞膜,需通过与膜表面的特殊受体相结合才能激活细胞内信息分子,经信号转导的级联反应将细胞外信息传递至胞浆或核内,调节靶细胞功能,这一过程称为跨膜信号转导(transmembrane signal transduction)。脂溶性信息分子如类固醇激素和甲状腺素等能穿过细胞膜,与位于胞浆或核内的受体结合,激活的受体作为转录因子,改变靶基因的转录活性,从而诱发细胞特定的应答反应。在病理状况下,细胞信号转导途径的单一或多个环节异常,可以导致细胞代谢及功能紊乱或生长发育异常。关键词 信号转导 异常 疾病 Cell Signal Transduction and Disease Zhang Weipeng In multicellular organisms, cells and between cells communicate with each other in addition to the direct contact, but primarily through endocrine, paracrine and autocrine information molecules to coordinate.Cells through was located on the cell membrane or intracellular receptors extracellular signal molecules stimulate, the complex intracellular signal transduction system change and effect of its biological functions, a process known as cell signal transduction (cellular signal transduction), this is the cell to the outside stimulation to response the basic biology of way.Among them, water soluble information molecules such as peptide hormones, growth factors and certain lipophilic molecular information (such as prostaglandins), cannot pass through the cell membrane, and the membrane surface via specific receptors can be combined to the activation of intracellular information molecular, via a signal transduction cascade extracellular information to the cytoplasm or nucleus in the target cell, regulating functions, a process known as transmembrane signal transduction (transmembrane signal transduction).Fat soluble information molecules such as steroid hormones and thyroxine can pass through the cell membrane, and is located in the cytoplasm or nucleus of the receptor binding, activat


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