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同查流程二 无明显季节性或食物性原因起病;推测可能与饮食有关;症状多种多样,可能涉及全身各系统,多为迁延不愈的慢性症状。 建议: 必做:FIgG介导食物组过敏原+IgE介导食物组过敏原 选做: IgE介导吸入组过敏原 监控:同上 适用:各种久治不愈,原因不明的慢性疾患 皮肤科:慢性湿疹、荨麻疹、皮肤紫癜等; 消化科:IBS、慢性腹痛、腹泻等; 儿科:小儿湿疹(食物IgG抗体可由母乳传给婴儿,忌食需母亲配合); 呼吸科:支气管哮喘; 其他:骨、关节症状,头痛,偏头痛,神经痛等长期反复发作,久治不愈的慢性疾患。 THANK YOU! There are many possibilities on different levels of allergic reactions to perform laboratory tests: the concentration of allergens can be measured in house dust, ELISA method based on the detection of the allergen by the aid of monoclonal antibodies. Risk levels have been assigned for some of the allergens such as dust mite. Levels of Der p1 and/or Der f1 allergen 2000 ng/g of fine dust has been associated with an increased risk of allergic symptoms in sensitized individuals. For other allergens such as cockroach and mouse urinary proteins, just the presence of the allergen is an indication that the environment needs remediation. Cell function tests for instance the proliferation of lymphocytes in cell culture after incubation with the allergens the determination of Interleukines in serum eg. IL-4 determination of Total IgE and specific IgE in serum, plasma or secrets, eg nasal secret Histamin release test of basophils in-vitro determination of histamin and other mediators like Tryptase and ECP in serum. Used in the daily routine are the determinations of total and specific IgE in serum or plasma. All other tests especially the cellular tests are only performed in experienced scientific laboratories where an additional method is required in case of non-concordant results. 变态反应基础知识 新疆医科大学第一附属医院变态反应室 阳玉萍 过敏反应分型 I型过敏反应 Typ I IgE抗体介导,以组胺释放为基础,发病迅速(1小时) 。 II型过敏反应 Typ II IgG或IgM抗体介导,直接针对细胞靶位的免疫反应,如输血。 III型过敏反应 Typ III IgG或IgM抗体介导,免疫复合物,由细菌感染激发,过敏原种类较多。 IV型过敏反应 Typ IV IgG介导,延迟反应。 过敏临床描述 哮喘和呼吸困难 过敏性鼻炎和花粉热 结膜炎或过敏性眼病 湿疹,风疹 接触性皮炎 花生过敏 食物过敏和不耐受 麻醉药,治疗用药和橡胶过敏 过敏性休克 黄蜂和蜜蜂毒过敏



