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论文题目 影响我国居民最终消费支出的 相关因素分析 学 院 经济管理学院 专业名称 市场营销 班 级 营销12-2 学 号 120674230 姓 名 马怡琳 指导教师 张兰 摘要 中国经济转型和消费问题密不可分。从某种意义上说,解决消费问题也是经济转型的问题,而转型的某些措施安排也必然促进消费。出于以上考虑,本文选取经济转型中的居民消费问题进行研究,试图重点研究两个问题:一是中国居民消费目前的现状和问题,二是相关政策在战略层面与政策层面对于促进消费的作用。 研究居民消费支出的影响因素离不开一些基本的经济变量,西方经济学经典消费理论也对消费的决定或影响因素进行了一般性的论述,大多相关的研究文献中都把居民储蓄、人均可支配收入这两个指标作为影响财政收入的基本因素,还有一些文献中也提出了居民消费价格指数等其他变量。 遵循经典理论的结论,重视中国的特殊性问题,本文针对我国居民消费支出影响因素建立了计量经济模型,并利用Eviews软件对收集到的数据进行相关回归、多重共线性等分析,建立了居民消费支出影响因素的模型,分析了影响居民消费支出的主要因素及其影响程度,并提出了相关政策建议。 关键字:居民消费支出 计量经济学 消费价格指数 Abstract Chinas economic transition is inseparable with consumption issue In a sense, to solve consumption problem is the same issue for Chinas economic transition and themethods for Chinas economic transition will definitely enhance the demand of consumption. As a result of above considerations, this article will focus on the research of citizens consumption issue in two aspects:1, the current status and problems on Chinese citizens consumption; 2, the role financial policy played as in strategic level and the policy level to boost consumption. Study on citizens consumption issue can not leave with some basis theories. Western economics classic consumption theory has general discusses on the decision or influence factors of consumption,which says that saving deposits and personal disposable income play very important role on expense.Also there are theories supporting consuming price index being vital. Based on classical conclusions, taking serious of Chinese status,this article sets model in econometrics to analyse the elements of consumption with Eviews and comes up with some related advice. Key Words: citizens consumption, econometrics, consuming price index 1.引言 1.1研究目标陈述 自改革开放以来,中国的经济增长方式一直是以投资和出口驱动的,消费则处于非主导地位。“高增长、高投资、高出口依存度、高储蓄和低消费”成为中国宏


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