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干热河谷乡土树种清香木种子萌发皮的响应研究 (The dry-hot valleys (DHV) native tree species in Pistacia weinmannifolia seed germination of seed response study HUANG Jun Ling ,WANG Yan (Southwest Forestry University ,Kunming 650224,China) Abstract: Scent of wood to explore the dry-hot valleys (DHV) native tree species relationship between seeds and skins, storage of room temperature dry light conditions in the laboratory of scent wood moisture content and germination rate of seeds on the determination of the life force. The results show that the storage time moisture content decreased fastest in 20 to 30 days. Among them, with the scent of fruit storage wood seeds germinate 70 days after the loss of ability; No skin fragrant wood seed storage, 70 - day life force is reduced to zero, after 50 days completely lose germination ability, should not be stored more than 60 days. Treated with three kinds of comparative analysis, the trend of germination percentage, the seeds of the skinning st13 take fruit seed st13 without peel; The skinning of average seed germination rate than with no skin peel seeds and seed increased by 27.36% and 22.87% respectively, remove the peel and bring skin failed to improve the germination rate of seeds, but the peel and hindered the germination of seeds, the skin bag was improved the moisture content of seeds. Therefore, fragrant wood seed breeding, best immediately after peeling seeded on the day. Keywords Clear the dry-hot valleys (DHV) Pistacia weinmannifolia Seed coat seeds The moisture content Germination rate 清香木(Pistacia weinmannifolia)是漆树科(Anacardiaceae)黄连木属(Pistacia)m,立地条件好的地方,可达15 m[3],别名又为细叶楷木、香叶子[2]。树皮红褐色,小枝灰色,具皮孔,幼枝绿色,偶数羽状复叶,春夏为绿色,秋冬有时变为红色或红褐色,圆锥花序,粉红色,果球形,似黄豆大小,幼时绿色,成熟时紫色或红褐色,上有网纹。在我国,清香木主要分布于云南中部、北部及四川南部等海拔1300—2300m的干热河谷地带[2]。清香木喜光,耐干旱瘠薄 ,在微碱性 、中性 、微酸性 土壤上均能生长 ;根系发达 ,抗性强 ;砍伐后萌发力旺盛 ,树形美观,可塑性强,抗空气污染力强[2],是干热河谷地区理想的造林绿化先锋树种。它的繁育能够很好的解决干热河谷地区乔木林营造困难的问题,对于减缓当地水土流失和生态修复起到积极有效的作用[5]。据调查,目前干热河谷大部分清香木资源处于野生状态,由于乱砍乱伐、火烧以及开荒等人为因素的干扰,分布面积和数量明显减少


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