双汇简介 中英文对照.doc

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双汇简介 中英文对照

中原大地,沙澧两岸,中国首家食品名城——漯河,孕育出了一个中国最大的肉类加工基地——双汇集团。在万隆董事长的带领下,双汇坚持走规模化发展、品牌化经营、产业化联动的创新之路,用30年的时间打造出了一个资产200亿元、员工7万人、年肉类产销量300多万吨、年销售收入500亿元的特大型食品集团。 Located in central China and on the shores of the Shali River is the city of Luohe, the nation’s premier city for food products. This setting has given rise to Shuanghui Group, China’s largest meat processing company. Under the leadership of Chairman Wan Long, Shuanghui has pursued scale-driven growth and brand-centric management, and blazed a path of innovation through industrial linkages. Over three decades of development, the Company has grown into a large food processing group with total assets of RMB20 billion, work force of 70,000 and annual production output of over 3 million tons, generating annual sales revenue of RMB50 billion. 双汇集团始终坚持围绕“农”字做文章,围绕肉类加工上项目,实施产业化经营。以屠宰和肉类加工业为核心,向上游发展饲料业和养殖业,向下游发展包装业、物流配送、商业、外贸等,形成了主业突出、行业配套的产业群,推动了企业持续快速发展:80年代中期,企业年销售收入不足1000万元,1990年突破1亿元,2012年达到400亿元,年均复合增长率35%。 Shuanghui has always stayed true to its agricultural roots in implementing projects related to meat processing sector, and in conducting industrialized operations. With hog slaughtering and meat processing business as the core of its business, Shuanghui has achieved vertical integration of the meat industry by extending its operations to upstream sectors including feed mills and hog production, as well as to downstream sectors including packaging, logistics and distribution, domestic commerce as well as international trading. Such a fully-integrated industrial chain has driven the Company’s sustained and rapid growth. In the mid-1980s, Shuanghui had an annual revenue of less than RMB10 million. This figure has since climbed steadily over the years, reaching RMB100 million in 1990, over RMB40 billion in 2012, translating to a compound annual growth rate of 35%. 双汇集团实施六大区域的发展战略,立足河南、面向全国,在黑龙江、辽宁、内蒙古、河北、山东、江苏、浙江、湖北、河南、江西、四川、广东、安徽、广西、上海等15个省市建设了20多家现代化肉类加工基地,在31个省市建有300多个销售分公司和现代化的物流配送中心,在美国、西班牙、日本、韩国、香港、新加坡、菲律宾等建立有办事机构,形成了纵


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