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Unavoidable Questions 课程教学目的和要求 通过对于英国文学历史的介绍,使学生了解英国文学的发展情况并掌握其演进的规律。并以此促进学生语言基本功和人文素质的提高,增强学生对西方文学及文化的了解。要求学生能够掌握英国文学发展的基本脉络,尤其对于重要作家作品有深入的了解。 考核方式 采用书面测试与口头测试相结合,课内评估与课外评估相结合的方式。 评估的主要内容有;对文学史的基本知识的把握,主要文学流派,主要作家及其主要作品的评论。 试题形式 具体内容的判定; 术语的界定与区分; 运用基本知识分析作家作品。 The Schedule Early and Medieval English Literature 8 The English Renaissance 12 The Period of the English Bourgeois Revolution 8 The Eighteenth Century 8 Total 36 Course Requirements 1. Attendance and participation in class discussion are strictly required. Students who have three or more than three absences, excused or not, will fail this course. 2. Students are expected to finish the assigned reading before class and be prepared to answer simple questions about the text. 3. Students should bring a dictionary and a notebook to every class. 4. No extension will be given for presentations or papers except for extreme reasons. 5. Students who plagiarize or cheat will fail this course. He who laughs on Friday will weep on Sunday. 1. Attendance and Participation 20 % 2. Oral Report 30 % 3. Exercise and Quiz 50 % In The Hero As Poet by Thomas Carlyle (1795-1881) in Heroes and Hero Worship there are the following words: To the Poet, as to every other, we say first of all, See. If you cannot do that, it is of no use to keep stringing rhymes together, jingling sensibilities against each other, and name yourself a Poet, there is no hope for you. If you can, there is, in prose or verse, in action or speculation, all manner of hope. What can you see in the following story? The Shell and the Book A child and a man were one day walking on the seashore when the child found a little shell and held it to his ear. Sud


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