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燃气管道报装合同 (居民集体报装) 合同编号:宁德安然( 集)合同第2011 –0 0 号 签约地点:福建省宁德市 甲方:宁德万达广场有限公司 乙方:宁德安然燃气有限公司 为了加强燃气管道的建设和管理,保障人民生命和财产安全,甲方将宁德万达广场(居住住宅部分) 燃气管道工程(以下简称“工程”)委托给乙方负责落实设计、施工安装及验收相关事宜,为明确双方的权利义务,本着互利协作、紧密配合、分工负责的原则,根据《中华人民共和国合同法》等法律、法规和规章,以及 市政府有关文件和本工程的具体情况,制定如下条款,共同遵守执行。 第一条:乙方负责落实的工程内容 1、工程名称: 2、工程地点: 3、工程内容: 燃气管道设计、施工安装及验收;乙方负责落实的安装范围从市政干管至进入甲方居民用户室内的表后阀为止。 第二条:合同价款 按照 2800元/户计取,涉及本工程用户共计 2288 户,合计金额为人民币 元。(大写: ) 第三条:付款方式 甲方应按照以下第 2 种方式支付合同价款,乙方第条:违约责任及解决方式 一方违约,违约方由于违约而造成的经济损失(内容不得违反法律法规及相关规定)甲 燃气管道报装合同(居民集体报装) near wire normal to. 6.2.2 cable cutting when cutting should be around cable and profile cutting with a cutting knife cutting a week, cutting depth for cable outer (insulation) stripped, cannot hurt the inner insulation layer and core. 6.2.3 before the first cable production, should be based on the amount of cable specifications, models to select the appropriate specifications of heat shrink tube, heat-shrinkable sleeve color near wire normal to. 6.2.2 cable cutting when cutting should be around cable and profile cutting with a cutting knife cutting a week, cutting depth for cable outer (insulation) stripped, cannot hurt the inner insulation layer and core. 6.2.3 before the first cable production, should be based on the amount of cable specifications, models to select the appropriate specifications of heat shrink tube, heat-shrinkable sleeve color第 3 页 共 4 页 near wire normal to. 6.2.2 cable cutting when cutting should be around cable and profile cutting with a cutting knife cutting a week, cutting depth for cable outer (insulation) stripped, cannot hurt the inner insulation layer and core. 6.2.3 before the first cable production, should be based on the amount of cable specifications, models to select the appropriate specifications of heat shrink tube, h


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