第三章 正强化法[参考].ppt

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Situation response immediate consequences long-term effects 1.a three-year-old child who has been playing with her coloring book gets up and looks around the living room. The child goes over to the TV and begins fiddling with the dials. Mother immediately comes over to her and says,”I guess you’re tired of playing by yourself, let’s go for a walk. The chances of the child fiddling with the TV dials in the future increases because of the attention from mother. 2.mother and child are shopping in a department store. Child begins to whine, “I want to go home.” Mother is embarrassed and leaves the store immediately with the child before making her purchases. Child is more likely to whine in a similar situation in the future. 3.father is watching a game of World Football Cup on TV. Two of the children are playing in the same room and are being extremely noisy. Father gives them each a dollar so that they will go to the store and not interfere with his TV watching. The children are more likely to play very noisily when father is watching TV in similar situations in the future. The vast majority of undesired activities of behaviorally deficient individuals is due to the social attention that such behavior evokes from aides, nurses, peers, teachers, parents, doctors, and others. 7.guidelines for the effective application of positive reinforcement 7.1 selecting the behavior to be increased The behavior selected should be a specific behavior(such as smiling) rather than a general category of behavior (such as socializing). If possible select a behavior that will come under the control of natural reinforcers after it has been increased in frequency. To judge the effectiveness of your reinforcer accurately, it is important to keep track of how often the behavior occurs prior to your program. 7.2 selecting a reiforcer select strong reinforcers that: (1)are readily available; (2) can be presented immediately following the desired behavior; (3) can be



