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Translation By Maggie Wang Prelude: About test 从四级到六级 口译证书种类 全国翻译专业资格水平考试 全国外语翻译证书考试 上海中、高级口译资格证书考试 口译考试流程 听力 36% (难点:复合听写 + 听译) 阅读 24% 翻译 40% 口试 = 口语 + 口译 通过率 实力班课程设置 翻译课教材 一.什么是翻译 Translation is to transfer the information from the source language to the target language. Translation can’t be taught. Translation is a skill. 二. 英汉语言差异 语言自身差异 形合与意合 四字格词组 He got up in crisis of feeble infatuation. 清晨起床,内心惶恐,浑身无力,都是为情所困. 词语形态变化 Flowers bloom all over the yard. He was as poor as we are. 所指意义差异(词汇) 地毯 Carpet Rug 主人 借 漂亮 思维差异 油漆未干 wet paint 闲人免进 Staff only 勿踏草坪 Keep off the grass 交际情景差异 “您贵姓?” What is your honorable name? Could I have your name? Won’t you and your daughter come and dine with us? 我们想请您和您女儿同我们共进晚餐。 Do you mind opening the door? 麻烦您开个门。 三. 翻译标准 严复 信 faithfulness 达 expressiveness 雅 gracefulness 寻寻觅觅,冷冷清清,凄凄惨惨戚戚 seek, seek; search, search; cold, cold; bare, bare; grief, grief; cruel, cruel grief. I look for what I miss, I know not what it is, I feel so sad, so drear, So lonely, without cheer. so dark, so dense, so dull, so damp, so dank, so dead. S.H.E. smooth honest elegance 中口的目标---ABCD Appropriateness 适合原则 老弱病残孕 the infirms those who need help Briefness 尽量简洁 1:0.9 A short girl in a black straw hat appeared in the doorway. 门口出现一矮妞,头戴扁平黑草帽。 Russia is a huge-geographical country, with well-educated people, and will eventually recover. 俄罗斯幅员辽阔,国民素质良好,最终将东山再起。 俄罗斯人杰地广,东山再起指日可待。 Coherency 连贯原则 Diversification 多样性原则 回译练习 short-range thinking 鼠目寸光 翻译考试评分标准 Wording accuracy 40% Phrase accuracy 30% Paraphrasing nativeness 10% Sequence coherency 10% Spelling tense 10% Valid information the upkeep of exotic gardens and old mansions 这所大学的任务是培养德智体全面发展,能熟练运用外语从事外事和文化交流工作的合格人才. The task of the university is to cultivate qualified personnel for foreign affairs and cultural exchange who are morally, intellectually and physically qualified with proficient use of English. 四. 翻译基本素质 语言基本功 文化背景 社会知识 地理知识 政治倾向 五.翻译方法 直译与意译 Tr