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Welcome to FMEA 欢迎进入FMEA Trainer 培训师: Owen Yang, Roy Jiang Product Development, CFMA Change Point Approach 变化点的处理 New design or process is planned 有新的设计或过程的变化 Modification to a component, process or system is planned, including those due to Global 8D 有部件,过程或系统的更改,包括由于G8D带来的更改 Component is to be used in new environment, location, or application 部件将要用于新的环境,位置或用途。 When can FMEA documents be discarded? 什么时候可以处理掉FMEA文档 FMEA Documents must be retained in accordance with Global Information Standards Record Retention Schedule: FMEA必须按照全球信息记录保持时间标准对这些文档进行保存 DFMEAs: Last use +10 years DFMEs:最终使用后+10年 PFMEAs: Last use +5 years PFMEAs:最终使用后+5年 如何开展FMEA 流程 Former FMEA Process 以前的FMEA流程 FMEA Process 过程 DFMEA Design FMEA -- An Introduction 设计FEMA-开始 Design FMEA – Team 设计FMEA-小组 Design FMEA – Scope 设计FMEA-范围 Is the boundary or extent of the analysis defines what is included and excluded 分析的界限或范围是否已确定包含什么,不包含什么? Scope incorrectly done: 不正确的范围会: Lengthens analysis 扩大分析 Misses target analysis 偏离目标分析 Identifies wrong team membership 错误地识别小组成员 Design FMEA – Scope 设计FMEA-范围 Create a boundary diagram 创建界限图 Identify the boundary for analysis 确定分析界限 Confirm composition of support team 确定支持小组的成员 Boundary Diagram – Example 界限图-范例 Interface Matrix 接口矩阵 Recommended robustness tool that acts as an input to a Design FMEA 接口矩阵是推荐的作为设计FEMA输入的稳健工具 Identifies and quantifies the strength of system interactions by: 接口矩阵可以通过以下方式识别并鉴定系统的相互作用: Showing whether the relationship is necessary or adverse 显示系统间的关系是互利的还是不利的 Identifying the type of relationship 确定关系的类型 Example Interface Matrix 接口矩阵的范例 Example Interface Matrix 接口矩阵的范例 P-Diagram P图 Recommended structured tool to identify intended inputs and outputs for a function P图是推荐的,用于识别某一功能的预期输入和输出的结构化的工具 Describes noise factors, control factors, ideal function, and error states 描述噪音因素,控制因素,理想的功能和误差状态 Assists in the identification of: 有助于识别: Potential Causes for fai


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