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Abstract Abstract This thesis uses case study, focus on Bank of China, Majiang Subbranch (briefly called as “Majiang Subbranch”). By adopting the theory of SWOT for the analysis, this thesis seeks to summarize the key issues (such as strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats) arising from an assessment of Majiang Subbranch internal position and external environmental influences. Completing a SWOT analysis helps us identify ways to minimize the affect of weaknesses in Majiang Subbranch while maximizing its strengths. The proposals for developmental strategy of Majiang Subbranch are business unit strategy, it gives a valuable example to help strategic business unit (briefly called as “SBU”) of the state-owned commercial banks to positively change their current operation situation and effectively deal with challenges. This thesis consists of six chapters. The proposals for developmental strategy of Majiang Subbranch are drafted in last chapter. The differentiation strategy is recommended as general competitive strategy in the area of corporate banking and personal banking. And some functional strategies including risk management strategy, talent strategy and banking culture strategy are proposed to play a supporting role. Key Words: Bank; SWOT Analysis; Strategy. 厦门大学学位论文原创性声明 兹呈交的学位论文,是本人在导师指导下独立完成的研 究成果。本人在论文写作中参考的其他个人或集体的研究成 果,均在文中以明确方式标明。本人依法享有和承担由此论 文而产生的权利和责任。我的 Email: 声明人(签名): 年  月  日 第一章 第一章  导 论 导 论 第一节  研究背景、动机以及研究意义 一、研究背景 按照 WTO 的有关安排,从 2005 年开始直至 2006 年底中国承诺的行业全 部开放,中国离全面开放银行业的最终时刻 2006 年已经不远,中国金融已 经进入加入 WTO 的“后过渡期”。随着前过渡期有关保护性安排的逐渐结束, 入世的冲击进一步显现,中国银行业面临着严峻的考验。能否抓住这最后的 时机,加快改革和发展、提高竞争力,已成为决定中国银行业未来生存与发 展的重要分界线。 对于中国银行业来说,问题的关键不在于是否将面临一个“与狼共舞” 的时代,因为这是大势所趋,不可逆转的,而是在于商业银行是否拥有成功 的战略与战略管理来应对“内忧外患”。一个没有成功的战略与战略管理的 银行,就没有灵魂,就不能保有竞争优势,就会在这个“战略致胜”和“智 力经营”的时代里被淘汰,大家都意识到战略与战略管理的重要性,我国四 大国有商业银行和其他商业银行


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