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重庆医科大学硕士研究生学位论文 META.ANALYSIS 0F C.REACTE PRoTEIN AND PRoCALCIToNIN IN EARLY DIAGNOSIS OF NEONATAL  SEPTICEMIA ABSTRACT Obj ective:To  systematic review the accuracy  of C-reactive protein and procalcitonin in early diagnosis of neonatal septicemia. Methods:Cochrane systematic  evaluation was used to search through PubMed,Cochrane Library,CMCC,CNKI  for studies regarding CRP and PCT in  the diagnosi s of neonatal  septicemia.Data were extracted and analyzed  using software  MetaDisc  1.4 Results:In total,9 relevant studies were searched.The threshold effects was  not  found.However,heterogeneity was found by other  reasons Pooled accuracy indicator like sensitivity,specificity of CRP and PCT in the study were 0.818  VS  0.859,0.755  VS  0.916,respectively.The area under summary receiver operating characteristics  curve  were 0.8814  VS  0.9523; and  Q  index were O.81 19  vs  O.8936 for CRP  and PCT,respectively Conclusions:With  the  high  sensitivity,CRP and  PCT both  are important indicators in the diagnosis of neonatal septicemia.Combined determination of CRP and PCT Can increase the accuracy ofdiagnosis Key word:CRP,PCT,neonatal septicemia,meta-analysis 英汉缩略语名词对照 英文缩写 CI冲 PCT  英文全称 C-reactive protem procalcitonin  中文全称 C反应蛋白 降钙素原 AUC  The  area  under CUlWC 曲线下面积 DOR LR+ L10 SROC  Diagnostic odds ratio Positive likelihood ratio Negative likelihood ratio Summary receiver operating  诊断优势比 阳性似然比 阴性似然比 综合受试者工作 特征 Tnle  negative  真阴性 True positive False negative False positive  真阳性 假阴性 假阳性 重庆医科大学硕士研究生学位论文 C反应蛋白与降钙素原对新生儿败血症早期诊断价值 的系统评价 前言 新生儿败血症(neonatal septicemia)是指病原体侵入新生儿血液循环,并在其 体内生长、繁殖、产生毒素并发生全身炎症反应综合征。根据临床症状出现的时 间,可将新生儿败血症分为早发型新生儿败血症(72小时内)及晚发型新生儿败 血症(72小时之后)Il J,这种分型有助于鉴别引起新生儿败血症的病原菌。早发 型新生儿败血症常见于婴儿出生时被母亲产道病原菌感染【21,常见病原菌为链球 菌、大肠杆菌等【3】。而晚发型新生儿败血症一般由医院或者社区等体外环境中的病


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