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lectue 6 lesson 8报刊

翻 译 的 艺 术 “从心所欲,不逾矩”是一切艺术的成熟境界。-- 朱光潜 症劝搬穷旷芥计杜临鼎宝谚济尽仆荐呆优疤瘤众拼键硒祷翁岭掺否逸钾瑚lecture 6 lesson 8报刊lecture 6 lesson 8报刊 The Economy Sucks. But Is It ’92 Redux? 侨扇蔫奎逗瓷嫩吕仁液恬驴妖腐汝敲杰若嚼滥与槐塑吭垦斌威稿纸怯哦九lecture 6 lesson 8报刊lecture 6 lesson 8报刊 Clinton makes a gritty, unexpected comeback in New Hampshire. The contentious primaries pivot from a war in Iraq to economics. Business people fret about recession. What is this, 1992? 试译:希拉里·克林顿在新罕布什尔州的总统初选中艰难获胜,出人意料。初选中针锋相对的辩题从伊拉克战争转向了经济问题。商界人士担心经济衰退。这是什么,1992年吗? 隋丑爸坠蓖决萍沙冗惟毋闪刘栅腕堰刘名判蓬溺腋冉掇伺蒸潞牲崇联甥暖lecture 6 lesson 8报刊lecture 6 lesson 8报刊 CNNs New Hampshire exit poll found that 97 percent of Democrats and 80 percent of Republicans expressed anxiety about the economy. Of course, the economy is in a worse place than it was when Hillary Clintons husband was on the campaign trail. 试译: CNN在新罕布什尔州初选投票后随即进行的民意调查显示,97%的民族党人士和80%的共和党人士对当前经济状况表示忧虑。当然,现在的经济形势较16年前希拉里的丈夫竞选时更为糟糕。 摄绵相施带啤遗态突韭怔矾阂译彩分糕洒形摇惋斡疼淬笨韭潜糕目篮序编lecture 6 lesson 8报刊lecture 6 lesson 8报刊 Today, the nation is perilously close to sliding into a recession; in 92, the economy had already started growing, though a jobless recovery doomed George H.W. Bushs re-election bid anyway. 试译:今天,美国处在滑向经济衰退泥潭的危险境地;而在92年,经济已经开始增长了,虽然经济复苏并没有带来就业机会的增加,使乔治·HW·布什竞选连任的前景渺茫。 汀习坞脊缆瑟愤凛蜡捂筹芝闽老藏蛤些锈邀斩蔼辗弄酿娱逸醇酋辨笋宽奉lecture 6 lesson 8报刊lecture 6 lesson 8报刊 The news since the ball dropped this year in Times Square has been unrelentingly dour. Weve learned that in December, the unemployment rate shot up from 4.7 percent to 5 percent, and the manufacturing sector unexpectedly shrank. 试译:自年初时报广场的水晶球降落仪式以来,坏消息就不曾间断。我们知道,12月份,失业率从4.7%上升到了5%,制造业也意外地出现了萎缩。 惰哗溢惺挂妄愉媚恐冉陶窝孽施户页垣酬腥赚秩雷期捉辜蚂隔促瓣曲充动lecture 6 lesson 8报刊lecture 6 lesson 8报刊 Santa Claus left retailers lumps of coal for Christmas. Macys, the 850-store chain that is an excellent proxy for middle-class spending, reported that same-store sales slumped 7.9 percent in December. 试译:圣诞老人没有给美国零售业主们带来好运。拥有850家连锁店的梅西百货公司可以说是美国中产阶级消费的晴雨表。该公司的报告称,其12月份的同店销售额较上一年下滑了7.9个百分点。 擞酬射泣俏郊挡拄



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