unit success and happiness.ppt

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unit success and happiness

Unit 1 Focus1 content focus1starter 2. I’m homesick Focus 1 3 Focus 1 5 Focus 1 5 Focus 1 6 Focus 1 7 Focus 2 content Focus2 2 Focus2 3 Focus2 3 Focus2 3 Focus2 3 Focus2 3 Focus2 3 Focus2 5 Focus2 5 Focus2 5 Focus2 5 Focus2 5 Focus2 5 Focus2 6 Focus 2 7 Focus 2 7 Focus 2 7 Focus2 Grammar Focus2 Grammar Focus2 Grammar Focus2 Grammar Focus2 Grammar Focus2 Grammar Focus2 Grammar Focus2 Grammar Focus2 Grammar Thank you! Next 5. Chance or Choice Back A. Put the following sentences in the correct order according to the passage. ( ) The owner of the old hair salon had a local sign company paint him a big sign. ( ) A big modern hair salon moved to the town. ( ) The owner of the old hair salon thought of a way to turn things around. ( ) The big new hair salon advertised in the newspapers. ( ) Almost all of the customers of the old hair salon began going to the new salon. 5 1 4 2 3 研弊段紊灵怜笆啦厉殖蹄厂厉絮事景寨泡晦程捕瞪沮答恃简祭沫傈犯鼠唯unit 7 success and happinessunit 7 success and happiness Next 5. Chance or Choice Back B. Complete the word spelling according to its meaning given in the brackets. 1. I___E___IG___T (good at learning, understanding and thinking in a logical way about things) 2. __M__I__IOU__ (full of ambition for success or money) 3. T___GH (difficult) 4. POS___IV__LY (thinking of the good things instead of the bad) 5. G__A___ (huge) 6. RE___O__D (answer) NT LL EN A B T S OU IT E I NT SP N 拦葛娱娱行次妻屉消汞毕屹扇咐吗铣搂癌亢蒸稍彪涪畦耗零哨兵口肝普稽unit 7 success and happinessunit 7 success and happiness 6. Writing an ad for the barber Having read the above story, now try to design another successful advertisement for the barber. The advertisement should be as good as the one in the passage, but must not damage your business rival’s reputation.


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