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Text One The Best Playwright in England by Jennifer Bassett The plague came and in September 1592 the City Council closed the theatres in London. They didnt open again until June 1594. After the plague years, we were busy all the time. There were new companies of players and Will now belonged to the Lord Chamberlains Men. The Lord Chamberlain was a very important man, close to the Queen, and we often put on plays for the Queens court, and in the houses of the great lords of England. We had some very good actors. There was Will, and Richard Burbage, of course, and John Heminges. And there was Augustine Phillips, Henry Condell, and Thomas Pope. There were other actors, too, but those six were the real company. They worked together for more than twenty years. Will was special—because he wrote the plays. And what plays they were! He never wrote the same play twice, like some writers. He was always trying something new, something different. And he wrote fast, too. John Heminges could never understand that. How can you write so fast, Will? he asked Will. And you never make a mistake or change a word. Will didnt really understand it himself. Its all in my head, he said. I think about it, and then it just comes out on paper. He wrote a play about love in 1595. Young love. It was Romeo and Juliet. It was a very sad play, because the young lovers die at the end. But the playgoers loved it. They wanted to see it again and again. Will played the part of old Capulet, Juliets father. One of the boy actors played the part of Juliet. There were no women actors, so boys played all the womens parts. Of course, Will never put real love-making on stage. He did it all with words —clever, beautiful words, and you forgot that the women and girls were really boys in dresses. Some of the boy actors were very good, and went on to play mens parts when they were older. The year 1596 began well, but that summer the weather was really bad


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