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第四章 工程内容及技术规格 Chapter Four Engineering Content And Technical Specification 第一部分 总体要求 Part I General Requirement 目 录 CONTENTS 1 承包内容方式及交货时间 1. Contracting content, method and delivery schedule 2 投标方供货范围 2. Scope of bidder’s supply 2.1 涂装线设备及辅助设施 2.1 Painting production line equipment and auxiliary facility 2.2 机械化传输系统 2.2 Mechanized conveyor system 2.3 电气控制系统 2.3 Electrical control system 3 对投标方提供资料的要求 3 Bidder’s requirement on data submission 4 项目组织和实施进度 4 Project organization and implementation program 5 设备制造、安装要求 6 Requirements on equipment manufacture and installation 6 调试、试生产、正式生产、验收、生产陪伴 6 Commissioning, trial production, formal production, acceptance and production accompanying 7 培训和售后服务 7 Training and after-sale services 8 招标方可提供的条件 8 Conditions to be provided by the Tenderer 承包内容方式及交货时间 1. Contracting content, method and delivery schedule 1.1 驾驶室涂装线根据整条线内具有独立功能的工艺区段将生产线分为19个子系统,即: 1.1 The cab painting line shall be divided into 19 sub-systems according to the functions of independent process zones and sections, i.e.: 1)前处理系统及其电气控制系统; 1)Pre-treatment system and its electrical control system; 2)电泳系统及其电气控制系统; 2)Electrophoresis system and its electrical control system; 3)烘干室及强冷室系统及其电气控制系统(包括电泳烘干室及强冷室、胶烘干室及强冷室、中涂烘干室及强冷室、面漆烘干室及强冷室); 3)Oven and cooling zone and its electrical control system (including electrocoat oven booth, cooling booth, sealant oven and cooling booth, primer oven and cooling booth, and top-coat oven and cooling booth); 4)封闭工作间其电气控制系统(封闭工位包括车底喷涂室、电泳打磨室、电泳离线打磨室、中涂打磨室、中涂离线打磨室、离线钣金修整室、点修补室、大返修准备室、喷蜡室); 4)Enclosed working booths and their electrical control system (including UBS spray booth, electrocoat grinding booth, off-line electrocoat grinding booth, primer grinding booth, off-line primer grinding booth, off-line metalwork repair booth, spot repair booth, overhaul preparation booth, and wax spray booth); 5)敞开工位及其电气控制系统(敞开工位包括涂密封胶工位、奥迪特工位、电泳修整工位、检查工位、更换件工位、手工予清理工位、检查抛光修饰工位); 5)Open wo


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