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2K-H行星减速箱设计 学生姓名 宋修明 班级:0781053 指导老师:袁宁 摘要:在给定传动比、扭矩、模数及行星轮个数的条件下进行了行星减速器的总体方案设计、常规设计计算、输出轴的工艺流程设计及绘制总装图和部分零件图。 行星减速器的总体方案设计选用太阳轮浮动的均载机构,太阳轮通过单齿联轴器与高速轴联接实现浮动,这种浮动方法浮动灵敏,结构简单,易于制造,便于安装。太阳轮与齿轮联轴器的外齿半联轴套做成一体,内齿轮设计成内齿圈的结构,行星架选用刚性较好的双侧板整体式结构,与输出轴法兰式联接,行星架与输出轴通过两个对称布置得定位销保证同轴度。齿轮联轴器选用鼓形齿齿轮联轴器,鼓形齿齿轮联轴器允许两轴线有较大角位移,相对承载能力较强,并且易于安装调整。减速器齿轮采用油池润滑,轴承采用飞溅润滑。 根据总体设计方案和常规设计计算绘制总装配图以及太阳轮、行星架、输入轴、输出轴的零件图。 输入轴的工艺流程设计对输入轴进行工艺分析,绘制零件图;确定毛坯的制造形式;制定零件的机械加工工艺路线并填写工艺过程卡和工序卡。 关键词:2K-H 行星齿轮 减速箱 指导老师签名: 2K-H planetary gear box design Student name: SongXiuming Class:0Supervisor:YuanNing Abstract:In a given gear ratio, torque, modulus, and the number of planets round under the conditions of the planetary reducer for the overall program design, conventional design, the output shaft of the process design and draw parts assembly diagram and Fig. Planetary reducer selection of the overall design of the sun round the floating bodies are set, the sun wheel gear coupling with a single high-speed shaft connected to the realization of floating, the floating floating method is sensitive, simple structure, easy to manufacture, easy to install. Round the sun gear coupling with the second half of the outer sleeve teeth into one, with gear designed with the structure of ring gear, planetary rigid frame a better selection of both the overall board structure, with the output shaft flange-type connection, planetary output shaft through the frame with two pins in a symmetrical arrangement to ensure coaxiality. Selection of drum gear coupling tooth gear coupling, gear coupling crown gear axis to allow the two larger angular displacement, load-bearing capacity is relatively strong, and easy to install and adjust. Used oil tank gear reducer lubrication, bearing lubrication using splash. According to the overall design of conventional design and calculation programs and the general assembly drawing, as well as round the sun, planetary plane, input shaft,


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