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中国矿业大学银川学院毕业论文 题 目: 全面质量管理在制造业中的应用 专业班级: 工业工程1班 指导老师: 樊乐 学生姓名: 王渊泊 学 号: 118 全面质量管理在制造业中的应用 目前,随着生产力的提高,大部分产品已处于买方市场,人们购买商品时越来越挑剔;购买商品的标准逐步从“价廉”向“物美”转变。在这种宏观环境中,企业要想长久生存,必须把握好产品质量关。正如“产品质量不是检验出来的,而是生产出来的”所以说,只有做好商品生产的各个环节的质量管理,才能保证产品质量的检验合格。全面质量管理强调动态质量,始终不断地寻求改进,但是它没有规范化、没有统一的标准因此,企业实施全面质量管理能否成功,关键是要深刻领悟全面质量管理的内涵, 根据本企业的具体情况, 介绍了全面质量管理的概念、原则,阐述了全面质量管理的意义以及企业实行全面质量管理的原因,介绍了全面质量管理理论在现代企业管理中所带来的启示。 关键词:全面质量管理,存在的问题,区别与联系,启示 Total quality management in manufacturing of application ABSTRACTS With the increasingly rich products today most product has a buyers market, people buy goods is more and more captious; meanwhile people life level also increased quickly, buy goods from the standard gradually to affordable price transformation. In this macro environment, enterprise to long survive, must grasp the good quality of products. Product quality management of production process should be comprehensive tracking management. As the product quality is not inspection to come out of, but production comes out say so, only making goods production every link of quality management, ability assures product quality inspection qualified. Total quality management emphasizes dynamic quality, always constantly seeking to improve, but it has no standardized no unified standard and It is to the process of production comprehensive tracking management Therefore the enterprise implementation of total quality management is to a profound comprehension of total quality management connotation to be successes according to the actual situation of the company, we can Implement the PDCA cycle and the other tools to Improve product quality and Enhance competitiveness and gain more profit. Based on the auto parts manufacturers actual, introduces the overall quality management concept, principle, this paper expounds the significance of total quality management and enterprise implementation of a comprehensive quality management of reason, introduces



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