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摘要 随着中国电力业的蓬勃发展,电力公司的企业规模在不断增加,在岗人员的数量也急速增长。与公司业务蓬勃发展和公司员工数量激增相比,电力公司原先的绩效考核方法效率低下,效果也不好。本文主要解决电力公司的绩效考核问题。在开发工具方面,本论文使用微软的Visual Studio 2010作为开发工具,使用微软的SQL server 2008作为数据库管理工具。在程序框架上,本次论文所开发的软件使用微软的MVC架构作为组织程序代码的框架。在开发技术方面,本次论文所开发的软件前台界而使用CSS和DIV技术,使用C#语言来实现软件的业务逻辑。 本论文主要从以下几个方面 展工作: (1)分析主流绩效考核方法的特点,并依据电力公司绩效考核的特点选择出适合电力公司的绩效考核算法。 (2)对绩效考核过程进行数据挖掘,并将数据挖掘的结果反馈给绩效考核过程,从而提高绩效考核结果的准确性。 (3)使用微软的MVC架构作为软件开发的框架,力争构建出高内聚、低耦合的软件体系。 本文的研究工作在产业环境下己经投入使用,并取得良好效果。 关键词:绩效考核; MVC框架;数据挖掘 ; FP-Tree算法 Abstract With the vigorous development of China power industry, , the companys corporate scale, rapid growth in the number of staff in the post. Flourish with the companys business and the surge in the number of employees compared to the inefficiency of China powers original performance appraisal methods, the results are not good. This article is mainly to solve the problem of China Power, the companys performance appraisal.Development tools, this thesis using Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 as a development tool, the use of Microsoft SQL Server 2008 as a database management tool. Procedural framework, the software developed in this paper uses the framework of the code of Microsofts MVC architecture as organizational procedures. Software development technology, developed in this paper front interface using CSS and DIV,using the C # language to implement the business logic of the software. In this thesis, the main work in the following areas (1)To analyze the characteristics of the mainstream performance assessment methods, and selected based on the characteristics of China Powers performance appraisal performance evaluation algorithm suitable for China Power. (2)The performance appraisal process for data mining and data mining results back to the performance appraisal process, thereby improving the accuracy of the results of performance appraisal. (3)Using Microsofts MVC architecture as a framework for software development, and strive to build a high cohesion, low coupling soft


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