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9招改善你的英文简历导读: 以下是由招生考试网为您提供的,希望对您有所帮助!  1 Length: A letter of application should be no more than one page ...以下是由招生考试网为您提供的,希望对您有所帮助!1. Length: A letter of application should be no more than one page long.或许你会觉得越全面地向HR展示自己越好,写起求职信就像写自传一样,这其实是最令人头疼的。谁会想在忙碌的时候静下心来阅读一份很长很长很长的信?HR多半会直接选择把这封信跳过。2. Format: A letter of application should be single-spaced with a space between each paragraph. Use about 1 margins and align your text to the left, which is the standard alignment for most documents.就好像上面说的一样,密密麻麻的字让人看了就烦心,所以求职信一定要最求干净、简洁,让人一目了然,顺畅阅读。就好像上面说的一样,密密麻麻的字让人看了就烦心,所以求职信一定要最求干净、简洁,让人一目了然,顺畅阅读。3. Font: Use a traditional font such as Times New Roman, Arial, or Calibri. The font size should be between 10 and 12 points.求职信不需要花哨,使用三种英文标准字体均可,就好像中文一般都会用宋体或微软雅黑一样,看着也会比较舒服。也不要把字体弄太大,这样看起来不会醒目多少,却会难看许多。求职信不需要花哨,使用三种英文标准字体均可,就好像中文一般都会用宋体或微软雅黑一样,看着也会比较舒服。也不要把字体弄太大,这样看起来不会醒目多少,却会难看许多。4. Header: A letter of application should begin with both you and the employer#39;s contact information name, address, phone number, email followed by the date. If this is an email rather than an actual letter, include your contact information at the end of the letter, after your signature.写英文信件时最需要注意的是中英文信件的格式不同。另外,称呼老外时需要使用称谓+姓氏的格式,比如Dear Mr./Ms. Last Name.,Mr和Ms后面可别写名字了。如果你不知道对方叫什么,可以用Dear Hiring Manager.的说法来代替。写英文信件时最需要注意的是中英文信件的格式不同。另外,称呼老外时需要使用称谓+姓氏的格式,比如Dear Mr./Ms. Last Name.,Mr和Ms后面可别写名字了。如果你不知道对方叫什么,可以用Dear Hiring Manager.的说法来代替。5. Introduction: Begin by stating what job you are applying for. Explain where you heard about the job, particularly if you heard about it from a contact associated with the company. Briefly mention how your skills and experience match the company and/or position; this will give the employer a preview of the rest of your letter.自我介绍是正文开头必不可少的,也是礼貌的一种体现。不过就像华生提醒过的那样,千万不要长篇累牍地写自传,要抓住自己学习和职业生涯中的精彩亮点简明扼要地写。6. Body: In a paragraph or two, explain why you are interested in the job and why you make an excellent candidate for the position. Mention specific qualifications li


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