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摘 要 本文通过室内模型试验模拟土坡在降雨、坡底积水情况下用读数显微镜测得土坡各个测点的侧向位移、竖向位移,通过反分析方法,编程处理所有数据,从而得出土坡在降雨、坡底积水情况下的位移场、应力场以及应变场. 从宏观和微观结构分析土坡在降雨条件下的粘性土坡的位移场、应力场、应变场。 经过实验结果的数据比较得出客观可靠的论证说明。 关键词:ABSTRACT This article in view of the rain water by significant influence on slope of viscous, using the theory of soil water movement and 2-d unsteady seepage finite element simulation model, the rain caused infiltration of the transient seepage field, will get the transient calculations of the pore water pressure distribution used to consider the impact of the matrix suction soil slope safety factor of safety of calculation, established with viscous soil from rain infiltration to appear the calculation model of the whole process landslide danger. Through the case analysis, the rainfall intensity, rainfall and water on soil permeability of unsaturated soil slope important parameters seepage field distribution, development and the effect on the stability of slope. This article through the indoor model experimental simulation in rainfall, bottom water soil slope under the microscope with reading each point of lateral displacement of the slope, vertical displacement, through the back analysis method, programming to handle all the data, and concluded that the soil of rainfall, bottom water under the condition of displacement field, stress field and strain field. From the macro and micro structure analysis in rainfall condition of soil under viscous soil for the displacement field and stress field, strain field. After the experimental results of data is concluded the objective and reliable argumentation. Keywords: soil slope safety:; Rainfall infiltration:;water:; the cohesive soil seepage 目 录 1章 绪论 1 1.1 本课题的现状和发展趋势 1 1.2 研究本课题的目的和意义 4 1.3 本课题研究的内容 6 第2章 土坡稳定性研究方法 9 2.1 软粘土的抗剪强度指标对土坡稳定性的影响 9 2.1.1 内摩擦角的影响 9 2.1.2 粘聚力对土坡稳定的影响 11 2.1.3 小结 12 2.2 软粘土土坡稳定计算模式 12 2.2.1 极限平衡法 12 2.2.2 塑性极限分析法及模糊极值理论 17 2.2.3 有限元法 19 2.3 土坡稳定性分析各种方法理论的比较与讨论 20 2.3.1 典型条分法 20 2.3.2 有限单元法 22 第3章 渗流对于边坡稳定影响 25 3.1 降雨入渗过程 25 3


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