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一﹑SER介绍 1.1 SER﹕Social Environmental Responsibility (社会与环境责任)。 1.2富士康科技集团SER方针﹕环保节约﹑安全守法﹑健康卫生﹑持续改善﹑造福社会﹑永续经营。 1.3 SER宣言﹕依照国际标准﹑国家法律﹑客户要求建立与公司发展相适应的系统﹐关切员工健康﹐关爱地球环境﹐讲安全求高效﹐造福社区﹐造福人类﹐促进企业文明进步和永续经营。 1.4环境方针﹕防治污染﹐持续减废﹐提供符合环保产品﹐节约能源﹐保护地球﹐务实经营绿色企业。 1.5安全方针﹕安全第一﹐预防为主。 1.6卫生方针﹕预防为主﹐防治结合。 1.7道德方针﹕公平公正﹐诚信廉洁。 二﹑富士康人资政策宣言 (Foxconn Human Resource Policy Statement) 2.1对于企业 (Corporation Level) 以事业群运营发展为最高目标 To serve business development as our supreme goal. 以人才本土化﹑科技化﹑国际化为人才开发策略 To make talent localization, technologization and internationalization as our human resource development strategy. 选拔﹑培育﹑保留与激励优秀人才 To recruit, nurture, retain and motivate outstanding talents. 为事业发展提供人才之保障及高效弹性的行政服务 To ensure human rescources meet the requirements of business development; To deliver highly efficient and flexible administrative services for Foxconn business development. 并使人力资源成为事业发展最重要的核心竞争力之一 To make human resources one of the core competitive powers for Foxconn business development. 2.2对于员工 (Employee Level)以尊重员工﹑照顾员工﹑成就员工为祈求 To respect, care for and bring up employees. 以公平﹑公正﹑守法为行事准则 To take equity, fairness and compliance as our code of conduct. 给予人才历练与成长的舞台 To provide potential talents with a platform to practice and develop. 提供安全﹑健康与舒适的生活环境 To provide with safe, healthy and comfortable living condition. 回馈与贡献相称的薪酬福利 To reward them by compensation and benefits commensurate with contribution. 2.3对于社会 (Society Level)倡导尊老爱幼﹑帮困救危的传统美德 To advocate the traditional virtue of respecting the old and caring for the young, helping those in troble and those in danger. 善尽社会责任,为社会培养和开发人才 To nurture and develop talents to fulfill our responsibilities for the society. 促进社区和谐与繁荣 To promote harmony and prosperity of our community. 三﹑名词解释 3.1 EICC﹕Electronic Industry Code of Conduct (电子行业行为规范)。 3.2 RoHS﹕Restriction of Hazardous Substances (关于在电气电子设备中限制使用某些有害物质指令)。 3.3 WEEE﹕Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (报废电器电子设备回收处理指令)。 3.4 SA8000﹕Social Accountability 8000 (社会责任8000)。 3.5 ISO14001﹕是由国际标准化组织


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