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摘要由于我国目前面临的环境压力空前巨大,加之我国能源的特点又是多煤、少汽、贫油,在国家节能降耗减排政策的导向下,中国未来的电力市场将向研究高效率低排放低污染方向发展高效高能的火电机组。二次再热机组具有高效率低污染等优点并且满足了低压缸最终排气湿度的要求,是当前解决能源危机、环境污染与经济发展之间矛盾的重要措施。结合目前和未来经济发展和能源需求的情况来看,二次再热机组的参数将会大幅度提高,同时采用二次再热机组,可以获得与IGCC和PFBC发电机组大致相同的效率,二次再热机组的技术优势开始凸显出来。但即便如此,二次再热机组也面临着机组系统复杂,初期投资成本加大,对材料性能要求高等问题。本文志在讨论二次再热机组运行的可行性与优缺点分析以及要克服的难点的探讨,为国内发展研究二次再热机组锅炉提供参考。关键字:二次再热,超临界机组,锅炉ABSTRACTBecause our country is facing an unprecedented environmental pressure, combined with the characteristics of energy in China is much less coal, steam, boundary, under the guidance of the national policy of energy saving and emissions reduction, the future of China electric power market will be to develop in the direction of research on high efficiency low emissions, low pollution and efficient high thermal power unit. Second reheat unit has the advantages of high efficiency low pollution and meet the requirements of the low pressure cylinder eventually exhaust the humidity, is the current solve the energy crisis, environmental pollution and economic development of the contradiction between the important measures. According to the future development of the ultra supercritical unit, parameters will be further improved, and the second reheat unit, can obtain comparable to IGCC and PFBC power generation technology to the unit efficiency. But even so, the second reheat units are also facing units system is complex, the initial investment cost, high demands on material properties. This article aims to discuss the feasibility of the second reheat unit operation and the advantages and disadvantages of analysis, and to overcome difficulties, for domestic development of research onsecondary reheat unit boiler to provide the reference.KEYWORDS:double reheat,super-critical unit, boiler目录摘要IABSTRACTII第1章绪论11.1 选题背景和意义11.2 国内外研究现状11.3 论文的主要研究方向及预期目标2第2章二次再热锅炉概况32.1我国二次再热机组设备的现状32.2二次再热锅炉主要技术参数32.2.1主蒸汽压力32.2.2主蒸汽温度42.2.3再热蒸汽温度42.3二次再热与一次在热超临界锅炉区别52.3.1二次再热的热力系统方案5第3章二次再热锅炉特点73.1二次再热机组的特点73.1.1二次再热锅炉汽机的特点73.1.2二次再


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