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一 人类有史以来不断改变自然环境,以改善自己的生活方式。人类借助技术工具改变了地球的许多自然特征。 Since time immemorial, via techniques and tools mankind has been endlessly morphing the natural environment into what can fit its lifestyles, and due to which great changes have taken place on earth’s landscapes. In 20 century, rapid development of industrial economy brought about a highly-developed material civilization, while at the same time——environmental problems too which amid countless crises, developed from the local to the regional and even global level. Now let’s acquaint ourselves with the top ten global environmental problems, which together with the rest of the problems are posing great threats to human beings. It’s a matter of whether we can continue our living on earth and a matter of sustained development which we can neither dodge nor let go unchecked or deal with hastily. Lumbering is facing increasingly significant restrictions and fishermen are getting more concerned with local environment while fishing. More and more eco-communities spring up; thermal power generation is becoming more and more advanced, energy technologies more and more environmental-friendly; solar power is getting ubiquitous. Mankind and mankind only can find its own way out. 冰糖葫芦是中国传统美食,由山楂作主料蘸上熬好的冰糖,酸甜冰爽。圆溜溜的红山楂一颗颗串在竹签上,象征幸福和团圆。传统的冰糖葫芦只用山楂作原料,但如今冰糖葫芦品种既多又新颖,人们喜欢的任何水果、甚至蔬菜,都可以制作。比如:草莓、橘子、葡萄、猕猴桃、山药、小西红柿等。本期工坊将教您制作冬日美食冰糖葫芦,如果您身边还有其他蔬果食材,都可以同理制作哦,一起试试吧! Taking on a sour-sweet flavour, candied haws are a traditional Chinese snack which, using haws as its main ingredient by skewering them on a bamboo stick, syrup-coated, embodies happiness and reunion. Compared to the traditional ones which only take haws as the raw material, today’s ‘candied haws’ are not only novel but diverse as any kind of fruits and even vegetables, such as strawberries、tangerines、grapes、 kiwi fruits、 yams and tomatoes, can be produced into them. Today’s workshop will teach you how to make candied haws—the ‘Cuisine of Winter’. If you have any other fruits a


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