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More about PDCA … 更多关于PDCA… It’s a method (scientific) of acquiring knowledge 这是获得知识的方法(科学地) It’s a practical way of attaining to the target conditions 这是实现目标状态的可行方法 It’s a way to work through the grey zone 这是通过灰色地带的方法 Developing Short Cycles 短的周期 Old Way 传统方法 Improvement-Kata Mindset 改善的招式 Check at the end of an event or project 在每个项目结束的时候检查 Big steps 很大的步伐 Done by specialists, or a CI team 是由专员或者持续改善的团队来完成 Check at each step 每一步都检查 Short, frequent cycles (few hours or within the day) 短的,频繁的循环 Anyone can learn it 每个人都可以掌握 Small PDCA’s Be Careful 小心 Big PDCA cycle does not produce much learning 大的PDCA循环并不能实现很多的学习 Plan Do Check Time Outcome Plan Do Check Process Plan Do Check Process Plan Do Check Process Time With big PDCA you might face too many variables that may not make learning possible. 在大的PDCA循环中,你可能面对更多的变化,那可能会导致你不能学到更多 Short, frequent (daily) cycles are at the level which the “learning organization” becomes reality. 短的,频繁的(每日)循环,可以让“学习型组织”成为现实 Current Condition 现状 Target Condition 目标状态 Last step Next step Uncovering unforeseen problems that you could not see upfront 暴露不能预知的问题 What was learned in the last step may influence what to do in the next step 在上一步学习到的可能影响到你的下一步 Use the FIVE QUESTIONS at each step 在每一步中都问5个问题 How to Work Toward the Target Condition 如何向目标状态前进 The Five Questions 5个问题 What is your target condition here? 你的目标状态是什么 What is the actual condition now? 现在的现状是什么? What problems/obstacles are now preventing you to achieve the target condition? 有哪些问题/障碍导致你不能实现目标状态? What is your next step (start of the PDCA cycle) 下一步是什么(PDCA循环)? When can we go and see what we have learned from taking that step? 什么时候我们能够去看我们通过这些步骤学习到的东西? The Five Questions should be applied at each PDCA cycle. 需要在每一个PDCA循环中问这5个问题。 Take One Step at a Time 每次只走一步 In order to evaluate cause and effect, for each PDCA cycle take one obstacle/problem at a time. 为了能评估原因和效果,每一个PDCA循环只针对一个问题或者障碍 BUT GO TO THE IMPLEMENTATION (DO) QUICKLY, SO THAT YOU CAN SEE WHAT IS NEXT PROBLEM T


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