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传媒翻译 新闻英语的语法特点及其翻译 Lecture 9 Homework While a low dollar and a lid on wages have boosted global competitiveness, U.S. companies continue to improve their manufacturing and service delivery. 尽管美元疲软和工资限制促进了美国公司的全球竞争力,但它们仍在继续改进其制造业及所提供的服务。 2.To rivals, making Microsoft kinder and gentler is like getting a tiger to not only change its stripes but become vegetarian, too. 对于对手而言,要想让微软变得善良而有风度,无异于让老虎改变其斑纹并成为素食者。 3.China should let its currency rise. Such has been the desperate, decade-long complaint from the US and its politicians. China’s manipulation of its currency is a popular scapegoat both for the financial crisis and for the extinction of US manufacturing. 中国应该让人民币升值—美国及其政界人士为此声嘶力竭地抱怨了10年。从金融危机到美国制造业的衰亡,“中国操纵人民币汇率”都是热门的替罪羊。 新闻英语语法特点 新闻英语作为一种特殊语体,除了在词汇、修辞上有自己的特色外,新闻英语的语法也区别于其他语体。 一、时态 1、现在时 为了吸引读者,给读者一种动态的新鲜感与现实感,英语标题中多采用现在时或将来时。 Mo pens Nobel success story Young panda gets a taste of the wild life Hillary Clinton suffers collapse (希拉里·克林顿当众晕倒) 2、过去时 新闻报道正文常用过去时来记叙事件的发生经过。 A young panda, trained to survive in the wild, was released into the Liziping Nature Reserve in Southwest China on Thursday almost six years after a similar project ended in tragedy. The mainland’s oldest auction house held its first sale in Hong Kong on Sunday, underscoring intensified competition in the booming art market. 3、进行时 在新闻英语中,广泛运用进行时态,把动作写成如在进行之中,使读者觉得在第一时间获知了新闻消息。 Discussions are taking place between China and US. China is “in consultation” with the US on the issue, Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei said. (China Daily) 4、时态的不一致性 在一般文体中,按照传统英语语法规则,宾语从句中谓语动词的时态要受制于主句中谓语动词的时态。这被称之为时态的一致(sequence of tenses)。 同样,把直接引语改为间接引语时,动词形态也要作相应的调整。 英语新闻一般也遵循这种时态的变化规则。 在实际的新闻报道中,其时态常常并不拘泥于这种语言规则,而是按照实际情况,根据新闻事实发生的时间变化与顺序,酌情灵活使用各种时态。 Under pressure or not, she said, citing Israeli intelligence, many civilians in southern Lebanon have Katyusha and other rockets under their beds. (New York Times, July 19, 2006) Tax Collector Carol Mahoney reported this week her office has posted a 99.06 c


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