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随着中国市场经济的不断深化,企业竞争日趋激烈,尤以民营企业之间的竞争更加激烈。人力资源作为企业最为重要的资源,成为企业参与竞争和谋求发展的主要因素。但是,民营企业在人力资源管理方面仍处于传统人事管理阶段,人力资源管理机构定位低,培训投入严重不足,并且缺乏有效的激励机制,成为制约企业发展的瓶颈。 这是由多方面原因造成的,传统管理模式严重侵蚀,对人力资源管理重视不足,管理手段效果不佳,管理效率低下等等。要解决这一问题,不仅要提高认识,而且要不断完善人力资源管理体系,在员工激励、人员配置和企业文化建设等方面下功夫。
As Chinas market economy unceasing deepening, the enterprise competition is becoming increasingly fierce, especially in private the competition between the enterprises more and more fierce.As the enterprise human resources are the most important resources, become enterprises to participate in the competition and strive for the development of the main factors.But, the private enterprise in the human resources management is still in the traditional personnel management phase, the human resources management institutions positioning is low, training seriously insufficient investment, and lack of effective incentive mechanism, and restricted the development of the enterprise bottleneck. It is up to many reasons, the traditional management mode, serious erosion of human resources management, less attention management means the effect not beautiful, low efficiency of management, etc. To solve this problem, not only to improve the understanding, but also to improve human resource management system, the staff motivation, staffing and corporate culture construction aspect.
This paper first introduces the private enterprise human resources management related concepts, and analyses the human resource management of private enterprises to strengthen the necessity, again on the private enterprise human resources management case analysis, and finally puts forward some out of the private enterprise human resources mana
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