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* One competitor claims to have the same thing as Laser Genesis using a 3mm spot. The problem, is that this is nothing alike. Spot size must be 5mm or larger to claim the same effect as Laser Genesis Smaller spot sizes have two significant limitations. First, they do not penetrate as deeply, so efficacy is reduced during each micro spot. Secondly, a 3mm spot has an area of (.15*.15*3.1416 = 0.071 cm2) a 5mm spot has an area of (.25*.25*3.1415 = 0.196 cm2) this is 2.8 times larger meaning that a 3mm spot must deliver ~3 pulses for every single 5mm pulse to actually deliver the same total energy. This means, if the device delivers the same fluence at the same rep-rate, but uses a smaller (3mm) spot, it’s only delivering 1/3 of the bulk heating – meaning it does not deliver the same treatment. Any laser system that lacks even a single one of these three components does not deliver the same treatment as Laser Genesis * One key complication to discuss is the potential of fat necrosis with the RF approach. Radio-frequency energy is deposited based on the impedance (resistance) of the tissue. In one study, the impedance of fat was 10 time higher than the dermis—meaning the fat will absorb more RF energy than the dermis. With the light based approach—water is the chromophore and the energy will be evenly absorbed in the tissue (since water is pretty well distributed). We have not had any reports of issue with fat necrosis with the Titan. 氧合血红蛋白 血管吸收减少红斑 高频率加热真皮浅层,促进胶原蛋白再生 Laser Genesis 靶目标 高能量子脉冲 高能量脉冲—真皮浅层微损伤 300ms 脉冲—目标微小血管 高频率导致数以千计的微小损伤 5mm大光斑—深层吸收 数千个微小损伤 刺激胶原蛋白再生 微小血管封闭减轻弥漫性红斑 高频率 大范围加热 大光斑、高频率加热真皮 热量沉积 逐渐的可控的加热影响 刺激胶原蛋白再生 高能量微脉冲 重复独立加热 高频率(10Hz)、大光斑(5mm),大范围加热 高能量子脉冲 高频率 大范围加热 + + 大光斑 = 治疗终点 中度红斑和不适—非疼痛感 根据情况选择脉冲数 Laser Genesis 治疗前 6次治疗后7周 每次治疗大约大约 7000个脉冲 Kevin Smith, MD Laser Genesis 治疗前 3次治疗后3周 Don Groot, MD Laser Genesis 治疗前 5次治疗后 颈部每侧约2400个脉冲 Kevin Smith, MD 疤痕 患者用其他IPL治疗引起水泡 Laser Genesis可以加快复原过程 Sylvia Ramirez, MD



