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2016贸大金融硕士真题 一、名词解释: 1.三元悖论 2.布雷顿森林体系 流动性陷阱 套利 净资产收益率 计算: 1.(1)分别计算人民币兑美元和欧元汇率变动率〈08年-15年〉 (2)套算欧元兑美元汇率变动率,欧元相比美元是升值还是贬值? 2.已知公司固定股利且永续不变,公司股价已知,风险溢价已知,Rf已知 (1)求公司贝塔值?(CAPM)和股利? (2)公司预期收益和市场组合收益率协方差变为原来二倍,求公司现在股价? 简答: 1.特里芬难题的含义及其影响? 2.凯恩斯货币需求理论和弗里德曼货币需求理论的差异? 3.简述利率风险结构? 4.什么是系统性风险和非系统性风险? 5.公司理财研究的三个主要问题? 论述: 1.什么是稳定的货币政策?在经济新常态下稳定的货币政策有神马作用? 2.(1)商业银行资产管理理论的内容? (2)商业银行应如何加强资产管理? 3.公司股利政策受哪些因素影响? 凯程考研辅导班,中国最权威的考研辅导机构 after pressing the nose with the shield on a dedicated Terminal within the enclosure. 6.2.7 the cables in the junction box behind the upper part of the shield from the cable head leads directly to the junction box. 6.3 cable signage made hanging set cable plate after pressing the nose with the shield on a dedicated Terminal within the enclosure. 6.2.7 the cables in the junction box behind the upper part of the shield from the cable head leads directly to the junction box. 6.3 cable signage made hanging set cable plate after pressing the nose with the shield on a dedicated Terminal within the enclosure. 6.2.7 the cables in the junction box behind the upper part of the shield from the cable head leads directly to the junction box. 6.3 cable signage made hanging set cable plate 第 一


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