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2)Asthma哮喘: Whether MSG induces asthma is currently still under debate. 目前对味精是否会诱导哮喘一说仍处于争论之中。 Flavors (二)香精 Fragrance materials used in perfumes and other cosmetic products can cause allergic contact dermatitis. 香水和其他化妆品中的香味物质会引起敏感性接触皮炎 Many of the chemical substances in fragrances are identical to chemicals found in food flavors. 香味化学成分与食品香料化学物质在成分上是一致 A number of the 30-40 chemicals in balsam of Peru are identical or closely related to chemicals present in spices and food flavors (e.g., vanillin, eugenol, cinnamic aldehyde) 秘鲁香液与食品香料或风味物质(如香兰素、丁子香酚、肉桂醛)有30-40种相同的化学成分 Balsam of Peru is used in the standard patch test series in dermatology to test for contact allergy to fragrance materials. 在皮肤病学的标准皮肤过敏试验中,一般就用秘鲁香液作为试验物进行试验。 Control 控制措施: Forty-seven percent of the patients placed on a balsam-restrictive diet showed long-term improvement. 经香液排除饮食后,47%病人得到长期恢复。 Difficulty 困难: Chemical flavor are found in all plants in various amounts 大部分香精都能在植物中发现 It was difficult to pinpoint one causative chemical and to design an effective diet。 很难查明到底是哪种化学物质造成了过敏反应,就难以有效设计饮食以避免过敏 Solvents: Propylene Glycol 四、溶剂:丙二醇 APPLICATION 应用 a solvent of flavors 香精溶剂 food industry 食品工业 cosmetics 化妆品 Special application It gives cakes a nice soft texture 使蛋糕具有松软的组织结构 The manufacturer to use it in larger amounts than its function as a solvent can justify.. 制造商会因此超过其功能范围而大量使用 Symptoms 症状: Extensive exanthem (reddening of the skin) within 3-16 h of ingestion 食用3-16h后出现大范围皮疹(皮肤发红) Subsided without any medication in 24-48 h. 不进行治疗的话,24-48h后症状自行消退 Antioxidants 五、抗氧化剂 BHA和BHT: flare-up contact allergy after ingestion of BHA or BHT 爆发接触性敏感症 chronic urticaria 慢性风疹 Enzymes and Vegetable Gums 六、酶和植物胶 Characteristic:IgE-mediated allergic reactions 特点:以IgE为媒介的过敏反应 Exposure pathway: 1)inhalation in the workplace 工作场所吸入 2)papain used as a meat tenderizer via the respiratory route is also a possibility. 鸡肉肉质嫩化剂----木瓜蛋白酶通过呼吸道 THE END! 2)



