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No Correct. Linear opacities线状影 as seen in this case (termed parenchymal bands肺实质带) are common in patients with pleural thickening胸膜增厚, but are not necessarily associated不必须考虑 with lung fibrosis肺纤维化. 肺实质带parenchymal bands 位于下肺部,肺内条状影;肺实质内的纤维化。 尽管如此,结合病史,考虑Asbestos exposure with pleural disease and parenchymal bands 石棉至椎旁胸膜增厚、肺实质带。 Case 18 a 67-year-old man with a history of asbestos exposure 石棉史 No Correct. HRCT at lung windows shows irregular linear opacities不规则的线状影 ( “crow‘s feet”乌鸦脚), without evidence of honeycombing无蜂窝肺, intralobular interstitial thickening小叶间质增厚, or traction bronchiectasis牵拉性支扩. This appearance does not indicate asbestosis无石棉特征. Linear opacities, as seen in this case (parenchymal bands肺实质带) are common in patients with pleural thickening related to asbestos exposure, but are not necessarily associated with lung fibrosis不必须考虑肺纤维化. They represent focal areas of atelectasis焦点为肺膨胀不全, associated 联系with the pleural thickening, or focal areas of scarring焦点区疤痕. 乌鸦脚(crows feet), 即 尽管如此,结合病史考虑Asbestos exposure with pleural disease and parenchymal bands 。 另一病例:胸膜下线 椎旁胸膜增厚 Case 19 a 56-year-old man with significant occupational exposure to asbestos 石棉史 Is there pleural thickening 胸膜增厚you would consider考虑 likely 可能due to asbestos exposure石棉? (a) Yes (b) No Yes correct. A focal焦点, calcified pleural plaque胸膜钙斑 is visible anteriorly, typical of asbestos exposure石棉肺典型表现. Although plaques are more likely posterior in location常见后胸膜, this appearance is highly suggestive高度提示. Can a definite diagnosis of pulmonary fibrosis on the prone lung window scans be made?肺窗能明确诊断肺纤维化吗? (a) Yes (b) No No Correct. There is mild septal thickening 轻度间隔增厚and reticulation 网状in the posterior subpleural region后胸膜下 on the right. This is unassociated 无联系with adjacent临近 pleural thickening. This is a very subtle abnormality轻微的异常 which could represent the earliest stage of asbestosis石棉肺早期表现. However, in the absence of a more definite abnormality明确的异常 or similar 类似findings on the



