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《软件工程》课程教学大纲 一、课程基本信息 课程代码:110425 课程名称:软件工程 英文名称:Software Engineering 课程类别:专业基础课 学 时:72 学 分:3.5 适用对象:信息与计算科学、计算机、信息管理等专业本科 考核方式:考试(闭卷),平时成绩占总成绩的30% 先修课程:离散数学、高级语言程序设计、数据结构、算法分析与设计、数据库原理与应用 二、课程简介 中文简介:软件工程是研究和指导软件开发和维护的工程类学科,它以计算机科学理论及其他相关学科的理论为指导,采用工程化的概念、原理、规范、技术和方法进行软件工程项目的开发和维护,把经过实践证明正确的管理措施和当前能够得到最好的技术方法结合起来,以较少的代价获取高质量的软件产品。通过40余年的努力,软件工程已逐步发展成为一门成熟的专业学科。 软件工程作为一门专业主干课,重点要求学生学习与软件开发和维护有关的四个方面的主要内容——过程与模型、方法与技术、工具与环境、标准与规范。进而通过课程实践培养学生运用软件工程基本原理解决实际问题,并从事复杂软件项目开发和维护的实践应用能力与创新能力,努力成为当今信息社会和知识经济时代所需要的高素质计算机专业人才。 Brief introduction of English: The soft project is project discipline of studying and guiding software development and safeguarding, it regards the scientific theory of the computer and the theories of other relevant disciplines as guidance, adopt project concept , principle , norm , technology and method to carry on the development and maintenance of the software project, can receive through control measures that practice justify best technological method conbine together at present, obtain the high-quality software product with less cost. Through the efforts of more than 40 years, the soft project has already developed into a ripe professional discipline progressively . Soft project as each professional for backbone lesson,especially it require student study with software development and not maintaining about content not main of respect of four pieces - -Course and model , method and technology , tool and environment , standard and norm. And then train students to use the basic principle of the soft project to solve the practical problem through the course practice, practice engaged in the project of the complicated software and develop and maintain uses ability and innovation ability, nowadays make great efforts to become the information-intensive society and high-quality computer qualified personnel needed in era of knowledge-driven economy. 三、课程性质与教学目的 本课程是信息与计算科学专业的专业主干课。通过本课程的学习,使学生初步建立工程化意识,学会用工程化思想(包括技术、方法与环境)开发各种软件,以软件的生命周期作为主线,掌握软件工程的


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