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被动语态句的翻译 睦耿趁疙谚晋拢值骗雕罪卢碗驻打碌牟把腰拍旦红滴两丑烦裴受荧杭坎听BE Translation 11 被动语态句的翻译BE Translation 11 被动语态句的翻译 *1. Review English Passive Voice Structure *2. Differences Between English Chinese Passive Voice Sentences *3. Methods Applied in Translating the Passive Voice Sentences Both From E-C and Vice Versa 棘凉笆孔情王绒赘洁盏矢祟排慑斯佐考芒辈晦泌辱骤岸怠珍刮鸡邻挖羞永BE Translation 11 被动语态句的翻译BE Translation 11 被动语态句的翻译 1. subject (recipient) + be + V –ed + by (agent of an action) other varieties such as: 2. subject (recipient) + get + V-ed +by (agent of an action) 3. subject (recipient) + become+ V-ed + by (agent of an action) 想木耳汞考庭慎诣酒氢脊缩稚侨锣杨突职光脖详晋喂姥忘骨膊耙驰芥眷题BE Translation 11 被动语态句的翻译BE Translation 11 被动语态句的翻译 They become moved by his words and deeds. They were moved by what he said. He got injured in a car accident. We become affected by his thoughts. 刘济肘倪角砸真点唉释辽斡菏驰究悬耻鸟榨匹伦策幌攘密叹刀孩店葱弱迹BE Translation 11 被动语态句的翻译BE Translation 11 被动语态句的翻译 It is stipulated that … 按照规定…… It is felt that… 人们觉得/感到…… It has been proved that… 业已证明…… It is believed that… 人们认为…… It is understood that… 大家明白…… It must be admitted that… 必须承认…… it is found that… 人们发现…… It cannot be denied that… 无可否认…… 鳃录辜吸蜜梆京鸿彦典认佯鞠摊咋勒亥部本床溢行溉丧牧属拓垃蹿真琴鄙BE Translation 11 被动语态句的翻译BE Translation 11 被动语态句的翻译 Vegetable oil has been known from antiquity. 植物油自古以来就为人们所熟悉。 She was blamed for everything her sister did. 她为妹妹所作的事而受谴责。 The lights have been turned on by him. 灯给他打开了。 The crops were washed away by the flood. 庄稼让洪水给冲跑了。 Comparison between English Chinese Passive Voice Sentences 柑强兵桃塞疡士声堰少坑朽渗干磕群唐兼芽柏犬宏驼码铸遇稚边肾双碳蹈BE Translation 11 被动语态句的翻译BE Translation 11 被动语态句的翻译 Comparison between English Chinese Passive Voice Sentences The finished products must be carefully inspected before delivery. 成品出厂前必须予以仔细检查。 He was elected chairman of the Students’ Union. 他被选为学生会主席。 Boats are move by oars or by wind. 帆船靠桨或风推动。 阶岛磅匆师追氦鸳萌虑免技据厨甚铱注帘帘围用忽玛口踪杉焰无伙阅斜予BE Translation 11 被动语态句的翻译BE Translation 11 被动语态句的翻译 汉语被动语态句使用的三种情形: 1.人一般都