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In-class ---- Check Review stereotype segregate advocate drastically capture affirm eloquent confront adrift dominant refugee In-class ---- Check Review stereotype segregate advocate drastically capture affirm eloquent confront adrift dominant refugee Book 4 -- Unit 1 4. Language points 【辨析】 economy economic economical economics (1) economy n. [C] 经济;经济制度 [U]节约,节省 --l a market / planned ~ 市场经济/计划经济体制 --l In those days, fuel ~ was a central factor in car design. 那时节约燃料是汽车设计中要考虑的一个主要因素。 (2) economical a. not spending or costing much money经济的;省钱的 --l The material is an ~ substitute for plastic or steel. 这种材料是塑料或钢铁的廉价替代品。 (3) economics n. [U]经济学 l study ~ 读经济学 Before Class 岸闸旷晋把鸿肺炸散旋声德额艾奢椿泅拥闸般氟会司听铸辉睹哩匙阎拥悸B4-unit 1B4-unit 1 Book 4 -- Unit 1 4. Language points motivation (Para.1) n. ~ for (doing) something做事的动机 ---What was your motivation for becoming a teacher? 你为什么要当一名教师? ---Escape can be a strong motivation for travel. 逃避是旅游的一大动机。 If it were, the people in the country to which they wanted to move would all be earning multimillions. (Para.2) 如果真是那样,他们想去的那个国家的居民早就赚上几百万了。 本句包含虚拟语气,表示真实情况。 Before Class 傈泛蠕帝砖锈伤损搐缔皆吹蚂得妒腰渗汇瞪扛疫僻奇淋印吗厕榜饮须氰略B4-unit 1B4-unit 1 Book 4 -- Unit 1 4. Language points During the Irish potato famine, for example, millions of impoverished and destitute Irish saw emigration as an option or staying on the brink of starvation and death at home. (Para.3) 【释义】 Millions of poor and homeless Irish saw two choices / options during the Irish potato famine. They could either move to a new country or stay at home to die from starvation. 【词组】 millions of impoverished and destitute Irish sb. saw emigration as an option to stay on the brink of starvation Before Class 猴蹭伏锑属相抓舒肯掳座札匀寻韶湿浮绣虽馒魂繁依翼姬扩患坪炸乡丛抱B4-unit 1B4-unit 1 Book 4 -- Unit 1 4. Language points Too often, immigrants to a multicultural country may feel out of p


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