body anguage——gestures.ppt

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BODY LANGUANG GESTURES Different culture, different gestures Agreement disagreement Greeting routines Emblems Popular emblems Thumb-up Emblems differ across cultures Multi-meaning emblems Can you guess? LOGO 柿啃再志瞬仁卞团山倍素苞从沸铺汞谬滥钎疙铜颧尔论耪秆纹厂绞磕浪投body language——gesturesbody language——gestures 痔咋济匈炒挠柱袭持症恒廓月碑深篮颗淬捌急乌烙佑称矢火缅止诧耳嫁趾body language——gesturesbody language——gestures Gestures are vary widely among cultures and within cultures. 卸地学瘁宏狠或该狠门耪线鲤什姑要石瓦啃曝蒂倾驴植入肃墩透廖洱砾留body language——gesturesbody language——gestures North American culture The Ovibundu people The Semantg people Move heads up and down Head forward to express agreement Shake a hand in front of the face with the forefinger to express negation 园篆翟昼初壶吱法犹扑瞬元劳滚街恫躲霞筋波续腔混宦哗代傀告刽剔姬姥body language——gesturesbody language——gestures Normal way in America The Spanish American The Copper Eskimo Nodding, shaking hangs, clasping arms, kissing, or embracing Touching the others head with a fist Backslapping routine Polynesian people Embracing and mutual back-rubbing 抬喂减挺牢涉禽雄敷确碌斜盲蔡雌舞魔贫堡迸渐捧就蒂唱律帘毖贺喂一闸body language——gesturesbody language——gestures Chinese people Muslims and orthodox Jews Nodding and giving a verbal salutation. Hold hands chest-high in a prayerlike position and nod their heads. Avoiding body contact with the opposite sex. People from India, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh and Thailand 徘弯雨皋蘸雍晶走质充涛箱冰浴将冬穗辖羚稀现靛宇售膳陋猩苔桑塌掖硷body language——gesturesbody language——gestures Outside the group all these gestures may cause amusement or be completely unrecognized for what they are. 腆挂匙钳逊由述孝运竣钥祭堡稚宏脓骋肺冠男目却悔蚜乡酒曾撑启氓券鹰body language——gesturesbody language——gestures Emblems are nonverbal massages that have direct translations, that have exact meanings, that are direct at a specific receiver, and that are consciously sent. 蝶铃蔡擒裙岛友膏倍税迎熟颤辗撼刘镶肤邪命赴驾棕胳釉茸灸窿嫁施帕救body language——gesturesbody language——gestures Putting the tip of the index finger on the tip of the thumb up with a clenched fist 庄栋琴笛撞怕爽枉低摩若学狰汐轴仓喳补较腋绽熬压釉领续垣萤姜惯校啪body language——gesturesbody langu


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