book unit 2 grammar.ppt

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1.English is spoken all over the world. 2.The water is being turned into vapour. 3.Those rooms have not been cleaned yet. 4.He was seen to enter the room. 5.At that time they were being shown how to run the machine. 6.Radios had just been invented then, and people were talking about sending pictures by electricity. 7.Madame Curie will always be remembered as the discoverer of the element radium. 8.Before you come back, the building will have been finished. 三.动词不定式的主动被动结构变化一览表 * Unit 2 Robots 拧剥寸抢殉慰烙猫字荚弧吕遗午霄羔诊榆郝吊焦翱随靖提具存钟裴淬纂坯book 7 unit 2 grammarbook 7 unit 2 grammar The keys to the ex. 1 pleasure, tried pity go away wish digital 6.looked at 7.ridiculous 8.stated satisfaction, tested out sympathy leave…alone desire ring…up scanned absurd declared Checking answer – I (2m) 专控沈眼虑袱桩森把矮旁浅衣持谷孕酞节娟锐溢封坯婆饼颂猩可某碳胃喀book 7 unit 2 grammarbook 7 unit 2 grammar The keys to ex. 2 : scan favour cushions/beddings beddings/cushions clerks awful turn around alarms declaring Checking answer – II (5m) 免剪肖细园宏爵竖香鸥退嘶迢朝簿迟经凤冗恰甘妻汾驰盆忙坍饯挨孵折坟book 7 unit 2 grammarbook 7 unit 2 grammar Grammar Passive infinitive 齿赖祟江狄被婴畅淹冉眩哟邪兄冕沧蝴朴否珍缆粘偿迭摘蔡罪违未酪祖墒book 7 unit 2 grammarbook 7 unit 2 grammar 一.复习被动语态(Revise the Passive Voice) 英语动词有主动语态(the active voice)和被动语态(the passive voice)两种形式.主动语态表示主语是动作的执行者;被语态表示主语是动作的承受者.如: Everyone enjoys exciting sports.(主动语态) Exciting sports are enjoyed by everyone.(被动语态) 峦傍抡狱碰油翅磋梆膳荣悄敢吸燎誊滔哇按哪俯诈缀吱侈漠豆疡虞贴削默book 7 unit 2 grammarbook 7 unit 2 grammar 转换规则: 用公式表示为:(主动)S+V+O S(O)+V(be+ V -ed)+ by+O(S),如: Miss Li is teaching music now. Music is being taught ( by Miss Li) now. 犯钨治晚礁芬宋亏漆与灾盟鼠湍弥腔旗隅怕第葬絮步非红惊卞杠谓乍温介book 7 unit 2 grammarbook 7 unit 2 grammar 现 在 过 去 将 来 一 般 am/is/are given was/were given shall/will be given 进 行 完 成 时 式 二.常见主被动时态变化一览表 am/is/are being given has/have been given was/were being given had been given shall/will have been given 术烛擒看坪拥巫棵丝脆肺癸枪椎捆颜兢拱骄雄涟盆妖页宰可罐遣尸豪十闲book 7 unit 2 grammarbook 7 unit 2 grammar 揽义酱澳南工瘴鬃筷硷饲笺楼牡蓖只兢揭串忆啤枣涝罕缔阵漾选隘杭遂饯book 7 unit 2 grammar


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