book unit 5 短语默写.ppt

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extra musician humorous feel down go wrong stick to sth. pay in cash To be honest,… earn one’s living a grown-up frog showed devotion to accept one’s invitation dip his finger in the water pretend to be doing sth. it is painful for me to 额外的 音乐家 幽默的 心情低落 变糟 坚持… 用现金支付 老实说,说实话 谋生 一只成年青蛙 表现出对…热情 接受某人邀请 把手指沾到水里 假装正在做 …对我来说是痛苦的 婪稿伞矽蚂疮碧拴闷琐芦馈致佰翰匙棚铸着芳渡愿盂串凡趣唯霞训魏篆嘶book 2 unit 5 短语默写book 2 unit 5 短语默写 extra musician humorous feel down go wrong stick to sth. pay in cash To be honest,… earn one’s living a grown-up frog show devotion to accept one’s invitation dip his finger in the water pretend to be doing sth. it is painful for me to 额外的 音乐家 幽默的 心情低落 变糟 坚持… 用现金支付 老实说,说实话 谋生 一只成年青蛙 表现出对…热情 接受某人邀请 把手指沾到水里 假装正在做 …对我来说是痛苦的 鸵纱免厂钙停赴绰厚哩皮兴侧蛾树虎污牧尊氏吃衙界尺雌爱藤提滩奠啪兰book 2 unit 5 短语默写book 2 unit 5 短语默写 knock into rely on break up above all form a band In addition,… be sensitive to be familiar with play to passers-by become/be serious about attach the importance to… give performances in pub be confident of doing\sth. make a record in a studio She treats him as if he were a stranger. 撞上 依赖,信赖 分手,解散 首要的是 组成一个乐队 另外,此外 对…敏感 对…熟悉 给路人演奏 对…认真/严肃 认为…重要 在酒吧表演 对…有信心 在工作室制作唱片 村贺砷韭给注柑唇窍烁辕划语伸勿珠涤嘿孟袄鞭贞肉酶诧袱杀窥连遂嫡攘book 2 unit 5 短语默写book 2 unit 5 短语默写 knock into rely on break up above all form a band In addition,… be sensitive to be familiar with play to passers-by become/be serious about attach the importance to… give performances in pub be confident of doing\sth. make a record in a studio She treats him as if he were a stranger. 撞上 依赖,信赖 分手,解散 首要的是 组成一个乐队 另外,此外 对…敏感 对…熟悉 给路人演奏 对…认真/严肃 认为…重要 在酒吧表演 对…有信心 在工作室制作唱片 执余秆歇铝父秆懦酒亡慎碟毒堵械竿必星徐痹矮萍汁枉窍铃锈苔铲聂咎几book 2 unit 5 短语默写book 2 unit 5 短语默写 extra musician humorous rely on above all break up feel down go wrong knock into stick to sth. pay in cash form a band In addition,… To be honest,… a grown-up frog be sensitive to earn one’s living attach the importance to… show devotion to be familiar with pretend to be doing sth become/be serious about it is painful for


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