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IELTS Academic Writing – Task 1 line graph Describing line graphs (single line graph) 特点: 只有一根曲线,但曲线的变化比较复杂。 解题要点: 跟随横轴的延伸,阐述纵轴的变化,在写作时,可以按照曲线持续上升、下降、平衡把曲线分成好几个区间或阶段分别进行描述。 Describing line graphs (double line graph) 特点: 图中存在多根曲线,且各个曲线之间的变化差别很大,而单就某根曲线来说变化并不复杂。 解题要点: 一根曲线一段话,段落内部描述顺序按照单根曲线进行。在对各曲线分别进行描述完后,要注意曲线之间差异的比较,尤其要注意同一时间点,或同一时间段不同曲线的值和趋势的对比。 特殊说明 极点说明:对图表中最高的,最低的点要单独进行说明。 趋势说明:对图表中曲线的连续变化进行说明,如上升,下降,波动,持平。 数字说明:导入相关的数据和信息来证明. Line graph 1. Structure 1.Introduction(one paragraph) General information in one sentence. (verb, objective, time) (with the summary of the trend) 2.Body part (two paragraphs) (General trend) + detailed description(data) 3.Conclusion(optional) Your findings Note: single space between paragraphs Line graph 1. Introduction 1. The line graph shows… (describes、illustrates、reveals、depicts、unfolds) 2. According to the line graph, … As shown in the line graph, … As can be seen from the line graph,… 3. It is clear from the line graph that… it is apparent from the line graph that… In-class exercise 这幅曲线图展示了从1985年到2005年美国能源需要和有效能源的情况。 The graph shows the demand for energy and the energy available in America from 1985 to 2005. 这幅柱状图展示了一个城市中人们往来上班所用的不同的交通工具。 The bar chart reveals the different modes of transportation used to travel to and from work in one city. 这两幅饼图表明了1962年和1982年不同种类的通讯工具。 The two pie charts show the different types of communication used in 1962 and in 1982. 下面这个图表简列了一所大学书店搜集的关于1998年2月的销售情况。 The table below summarizes some data collected by a college bookshop for the month of February 1998. Body The body of the report should describe the graph or graphs in detail. You will need to decide on the most clear and logical order to present the material. Line graphs generally present information in chronological order and so the most logical way for you to write up the information would most probably be from earliest to latest. (trends + statistics) Attention!!! In the IELTS test, the word limit of th


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